Chapter 13: The Concert

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I am jumping with excitedness! Today is the day of the concert and we are currently standing in line waiting. The girls and I all decided to get ready at my house and somehow we all wore dresses. I swear we were meant to be sisters. There were tones of girls here. There goes any chance I had of getting noticed by Harry. Skyler was rambling on and on about tomorrow, honestly I was tuning out. All I could think about was how Harry will never notice me.

Someone smacked me in the back of the head causing me to jump. I shot glares at a smirking Aby. The line was now moving at a slow rate, but moving none the less. Finally we reached out seats, Row 1 seats 1-5. We were smack dab in the front of the stage. The stadium was filling up fast. The girls and I met small talk as we waited in anticipation. A couple of people were talking the Katrina because she won the contest. Then I heard this:

"Look it's that slut Katrina. She looks about the age of a 10 year old."

My head shot around, meeting the eyes of two very fake looking girls. They had on tones of makeup and clothes...I wouldn't even consider them clothes, because they cover like nothing. They looked repulsive. I honestly wanted to throw up. I looked over at Kat and she looked on the brink of tears. Now I'm mad.

"Hey listen bitch! Katrina is an amazing person. She deserves respect. She is not a slut like you! Now just calm down and back off."


I looked back over at Alli. I am so happy she is my friend. All of the girls pulled me into a hug. They whispered soothing things. Our little embrace was cut off by the piercing screams of everyone. It took me a minute that they were standing on stage. It was time! The girls looked star struck. I thought Alli was going to die when Harry winked at her. All of us danced and sang our hearts to every song. Halfway through the concert it was time for twitter questions.

"I will go first!" Harry said. "Will you all show us your worst dance moves?"

I cracked up laughing, they looked so ridicules.

"Time for me!" Liam said. "Liam are you still afraid of spoons? Well actually I am starting to face my fear." Everyone started to clap which caused him to bow.

"Good Job Liam! Now it's my turn!" Zayn spoke. "Do your best girly voice." All of the boys did theirs and I swear I was going to die of laughter.

"Well that was interesting! Now Time for me!" Louis said jumping up and down. "Who is single and who is not? Well everyone is single except for Liam." Liam blushed and I watched as Aby let out a sad sigh. I knew how much she really liked Liam.

"Finally it is my turn!" an Irish accent filled the arena. "How did you pick the winners for the contest? P.S. I am sitting with the winner and it would mean the world if you said hi to her ;). That is from Skyler Row 1 seat 2."

I glanced over at Sky and grabbed her into a large hug. She hugged me back and giggled at me. We were interrupted when Niall came back on.

"Well we read all of the entries and picked the best of them all. With this case it was Katrina." He paused staring into my eyes; I couldn't help the blush that grew. "Hello Katrina. You are an amazing writer."

I thought I was going to die right then and there. Niall fricken Horan said my name! Quickly I pulled Sky into another hug. The smile on my face is not fading away anytime soon. The concert continued, the smile never leaving my face.


Seeing Kat smile like that just made my heart melt. She is like my little sister. I love doing little things to make her happy. I know she will be crushed when she finds out I'm leaving. I am dreading that moment when I see her little heartbreak. I felt a hind reach over and wipe a stray tear...wait I was crying? Glancing over I caught the eyes of Kat. She was staring at me sending me the 'what's wrong' look. I just shook my head saying I'll tell her later. She looked hurt that I wouldn't tell her.

The concert ended and we were able to go back stage. Security lead us to this room and over to the line of girls. I was surprised with the amount of girls who showed up back stage. After about a half an hour the boys came out and the line started to move. Now it was out turn. The girls and I slowly walked up to the boys. I had a feeling that someone was staring at me. Turning I came face to face with a pair of bright blue eyes. Louis Tomlinson. He just stared at me. My insecurities came rushing towards me. The girls and I posed with the boys for the picture. I made sure I was on the other end of Louis. Why would he want to be by anybody as ugly as me? The girls and I turned to walk when someone caught my hand. Louis slipped a piece of paper into my hand flashing his winning smile. He set me in a trance no doubt about that. The girls and I ran back to the car and started to drive away. I dropped everyone else off at home and speed home. Quickly I ran up to my room and opened the note. It said: 'Call me sometime beautiful ~Louisxx" One the bottom was his number. I have Louis Tomlinson's phone number!


Written by Kenzie :)

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