Chapter 15

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My brilliant idea hit me like a wet fish across the face, which coincidently is what I used to get Joe back. I went into town to buy the fish especially and even though it cost quite a bit, it was well worth it. Now though, I have to try and find someone who knows how to fillet fish so I can use it for its other intended purpose...but I digress.

Other than how to get Joe back, two things have been on my mind.

The first is the staff meeting Taffy and I have called to discuss changes that need to be made and the second is how lonely Miles must be.

As he promised, he called before going to work and I re-explained everything that happened. As it turns out, Miles knows his stuff café-wise. He's travelled around England, Ireland and Scotland, not to mention France, for the last ten years working in bars and cafe's and he knows his stuff.

This is where my brilliant idea came in, though it came to me after Miles hung up so I had to get out of bed and convey the idea to him over email.

"To Miles Ferdinand Hamilton,

I know we just talked and that your ear is probably still numb but I have an idea. You know how you like to pretend you're interested in my life?

Well, I have a way you can help! I have this staff meeting and you know cafe's better than probably every single person in the room combined so could you listen in? You'll know better than any of us as to whether any of our idea's work.

We can put you on speaker or something. (I would suggest Skype but I know that would involve me spending hours trying to explain how it works. For once I feel like the young person in this friendship.)

If I organize it for late tomorrow afternoon, you can call when you wake up. The earlier the better but I don't want you to lose sleep. No wait! I'll have people for dinner so you can call four thirty or five our time. I don't know, I'm confused but excited. I'd really like your input, as always.

From the person you'll be sick of very quickly,



"To Nina,

I don't know how much help I'd be but I'd love to be a part of it. Over speaker is fine."

I'm also worried about the amount of time you're spending with Romeo; your email was almost untranslatable. Good thing I have the time to decrypt it.

It's slow at work and on top of the snow, some scary looking lady just handed me her number.

Look forward to tomorrow and missing our coffee time.

Miles (keep guessing) Hamilton."


"Miles Torrington Hamilton,

Is this comment about my email coming from the man whose sevens look like nines?

Are you sure you're twenty-nine? Or are you really twenty seven?

Congratulations on the stalker too.

How scary exactly are we talking? She may be lovely."


"To naïve Nina,

She'd been going to the coffee shop over the road to watch me for the last four weeks. Qualifies as scary."


"To Miles the Wimp Hamilton

How do you know I hadn't been doing the same but from the inside?"

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