Chapter 21

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I hold the phone, staring at the computer, waiting for an okay from Miles to call. He should be up.

It's been a long night with coffee...lots of coffee. Romeo has really delivered and every coffee has been as good as the last: Black, intense and strong. My supply needs major topping up though as I'm running out. . .

The phone rings giving me a fright. I fumble with it for a moment before pushing the button.

"Miles?" I chirp with a grin. There's a brief silence.

"Yeeees." he says back slowly and curiously.

"Oh good! I was hoping you'd be up. Sleeping okay?" I jump up and start heading through the house towards the kitchen.

"Kind of. How are you?"

"What do you mean kind of? You can't kind of sleep. You're either sleeping or you're not."

There's a silence and I hear him laugh ever so slightly.

"How many coffee's have you had? You're talking very fast."

"Am I?" I frown, going through the cupboards. He chuckles again.

"Yes. I'm not complaining. You sound well."

"Uhhhh, yeah. I'm okay. Been up all night doing stuff."

"That doesn't sound promising." he says in a concerned tone. I pull out a packet of biscuits triumphantly and rip them open with my teeth.

"It's not as bad as it sounds. So...back to the topic at hand?" I wait for a reply and all I get is silence for a while.

"Sorry, Nina, my brain isn't working quite as fast as yours; what was the topic?"

"What do you mean kind of?" I ask, mouth full. I'll be surprised if he can translate it actually.

"Oh, that." he grunts. I mentally tip my hat at him and swallow my mouthful.

"Yes, that."

"I slept fine..."

"Fine? That's not a very passionate statement Miles."

I hear him laugh a little and sigh.

"Grief, you're intense when your on coffee." he mumbles. I smile at this and pop the other half a biscuit in my mouth.


" won't get angry at me?" he asks.

"Did you have a massive party or something or have some...lady friend over or..."

"No." he says straight away, "No, this is me your talking to."

"What then?"

He sighs and he clears his throat.

"I haven't heard from you since the fire and I was, uh..." he falters slightly and I close my eyes in dread of what's to come.

"If you say 'worried', I swear I will kill you."

"Okay. I was 'fine' then." he replies. I let out an annoyed sigh and throw my head back.

"Miles...why do you do this? I'm fine...I've been fine."

"Fine? Not very passionate words." he says back as lightly as possible.

"No. Don't you dare use my own words against me. Argh, why do you do it?"

"Because I'm on the other side of the planet and the only way I know if your okay is by talking to you on the phone. The phone you keep taking off the hook. Do you have any idea how agonizing that is?" his voice has raised slightly and he stops himself. I release the breath I've been holding and I close my eyes.

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