Chapter Eight

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To Nina Merelize.

You quit? You can't quit! I only stay here because of you. Hell has already broken loose and it hasn't even been a week! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease come back! Richard has been worse since you left (probably because he actually has to work now and not just mooch off you), but we need you back here. Anyway, back to the old grind (literally). We miss you.

From Maddy and the team at the office.


To Maddy and the team,

You will have more luck trying to find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow than see me back in that office but I do suggest looking for work elsewhere. If you need a reference, I will be more than happy to help you out. This applies to everyone at the office.

From Nina.


To Ms Nina Merelize,

I get the point. Take a couple of days off to get your head together and then I'll see you when you get back. Your job will be waiting for you. I'll let this one incident slide.

Richard Dermott.


To Mr Dermott.

I don't want my job back but feel free to take it to hell with you.


Nina Merelize.


To my coffee drinking friend abroad,

How did dinner go? I'm missing our morning chats at work; I feel like a loner again. The coffee was good, though.

I'll call tonight at five your time. I hope that's okay.

Don't forget the lawyer and as far as the internet is concerned, there are no celery impersonators in Tasmania.

From your bored, under-conversed coffee man,



To Miles,

The lawyer has just called. I see him today...maybe. . .unless I "accidentally" forget and thank you for that piece of information. Pity I don't like celery. Talk tonight about dinner. It was. . .interesting.

From your jet lagged coffee drinker,

Nina Merelize.


Despite the stupid email from my no-good-black hearted scoundrel of an ex-boss who can not only go to hell but stay there...I feel fine.

Not 'good' or 'amazing' mind you, but fine.

I did wake up feeling grand with this new pledge to myself glowing in my head but after the phone call from the lawyer, the email from my ex-workmates who are only ever that nice when they're up the creek, then the email from my boss, I've been rendered down to a mere 'fine'.

I'm hoping the awaiting coffee will nudge me up a few notches again. It usually does...though I'm pretty sure part of it was the company I kept while drinking the coffee.

The taxi pulls up outside the Oxford Food Garden, which is weirdly situated down a street that consists mostly of industrial and contracting firms. A street where no other food associated shops are and placed nicely in between a small lawyers firm and a glazier.

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