Chapter 19

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"To Miles Turpentine Hamilton.

Can you tell I'm running out of middle names for you? It would be easier for us both if you just told me. How goes the sleep? I'm guessing its going well because I've hardly heard from you. It's very unlike you but I've been afraid to email in case you have been sleeping. I hope you've been sleeping and not ignoring me because I pre-paid all the bills so you couldn't pay them. I haven't heard anything from you since you declared you'd found the heater and were making your way to bed.

Even now, I'm going to try and put as much in this email just in case you're out to it.

Firstly, the chef is good to go. His idea's for food were fantastic and he makes a good risotto which I believe is the best indicator as to whether a person can cook or not. Taffy is going to try and absorb some of his talent so we have a back up chef if he can't come in.

I also made a friend who is almost as weird as me. It's Laurens' Mum. (Lauren is the one who calls you 'Oh Wise and Mysterious One') Teresa's about my age and also talks to her coffee machine lovingly. We went 'shoffing' (coffee and shopping) yesterday which was nice.

Apart from that, I've sorted more boxes which have consisted of books or clothes and knick knacks. Yet to find a mysterious one that answers all my family questions. Until then, I will continue to cringe in worry every time I open a new box. I'm not thinking about it too much as my therapist said which reminds me; you must tell me about this mysterious ex who dragged you into bad things. . .if you like.

I'm just fascinated by what made you the wise person you are today. We can swap horrid ex stories; except I was the horrid ex in my story.

Moving on though, I just thought I'd let you know that I am fine and that weirdly, things seem to be falling into place rather nicely. I just have to make sure I don't send this email to Murphy as his law on these things sucks and I don't want it all to hit the fan quite yet. Hope you're okay.

From your Suspiciously well friend,

Nina Merelize."


Apparently, composts love leafy greenery and it makes the over-all soil richer.

I didn't know that before this weekend and it really put a smile on my face. It also put a smile on Joe's face when I told him and asked him if that could included celery, though admittedly, it was more a chuckle than a smile I got from him.

After the celery is up and growing, it will be the start of a very exciting compost heap. Yet another thing I look forward to in the near-ish future.

Other than trying to find a use for five-hundred celery plants, I've been getting stuck in the garden with Joe and Eli a bit too. They seem to be getting on and Eli has taken to gardening like a filleting knife to a fish. This was until he used the dreaded phrase 'but the book says...' to Joe. It explained why he was covered in dirt when he came in for a drink yesterday.

Ah yes...those were the days.


A knock at the door interrupts my thoughts and coffee. Eli is also sitting with me, reading through a whole pile of information on gardening he's just downloaded off the computer. When this boy does research, he does it well.

"Come in." I call out, keeping my eye's firmly on the list of suppliers I have to get to know.

"Just me." Joe grunts stepping in.

"Coffee?" I ask.

"Nar, I have to get going. One of the guys at work is off sick today so I'm going in. Keep an eye on the boy will you?"

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