Chapter 23

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Now, just like everyone else, I have watched at least one episode of Law and Order so I know how lawyers work.

Corrine McShane is by far the happiest lawyer I've ever met in my life! When we told her our plans to acquire the building she was more than extremely helpful. Apparently it's doable and could be done relatively quickly too.

I didn't know lawyers even smiled. In fact I spent most of the time she was explaining everything to me wondering if I'd ever seen a lawyer smile...genuinely smile and I realized I hadn't. As a result of this, I still don't know what avenues she'll be taking to get the building. I decide I'd better start listening.

"Right, so I will get on to that as soon as possible. We'll work on a price and we should have it for you by next week. I can only imagine she'll want to wipe her hands of these things as easily as possible because she's going to be in court enough as it is. The florists are taking the court rout so she won't want it all over again...even then, I wouldn't go organizing things for the building just yet."

"Noted." I nod.

"So, anything else?" Corrine asks.

"Yes, actually." Taffy says, sitting up straight. "Nina this involves you. I wanted the lawyer and Joe here because I know they'll back me up."

I look at Taffy then Joe worried. By the looks of it, he doesn't know what's going on either. Or maybe he just has a good poker face.

"Ooookaaayyy." I say slowly.

"It's about this new building." She starts. A silence follows so I break it.


"I don't want to be a partner in it."

I open my mouth to object but she puts her hand up.

"Please, Nina. Let me finish." she pleads gently then takes a deep breath, "I bought into the café and I'm happy with just being part of that business. Adriana's Corner. This one...this new one, you'll be putting the money and the time in and don't get me wrong, I'm happy for it to go up but its yours. It was your idea, your should be yours. The profits should go to you. I'll still be willing to put in knowledge where you need it but that's not enough for me to be a business partner. I wouldn't feel right."

I try to come up with a rebuttal but she has a point. If she feels useless as a business partner now with Adriana's Corner then it will be worse for this new one.

"She's right." Joe tells me, echoing my thoughts. "This was all your idea. You know she can't put the money in. Don't be making her a partner because you feel bad."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes." she nods. I lean back in the chair.

"I still need your input and okay when it comes to layout and all that. This new one may not be yours but it will be attached to and linked with Adriana's Corner."

"That's fine." she shrugs. "Okay?"

"Yeah." I nod, still thinking.

"We're good?"

"Grief yes. That's fine. Thanks for being honest."

She smiles and starts talking to Corrine again as I slip into my trance-like thoughts, wondering once again how I got here in such a short space of time. I'm kind of waiting for myself to start panicking. I know nothing about turning a burnt out shell into a building. I know nothing about how shops should be laid out. I know nothing about food let alone what's grown in Tasmania. A few weeks ago this would have sent me to the Pretty Cabinet, but for some reason, this time I'm not scared. I'm just really, really excited.

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