Chapter 17

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"To 'The' Nina Merelize,

Hello stranger. I know it's been a while since I've caught up with you in any shape or form, as I was worried you'd think it was inappropriate. My wife knows I'm getting in contact with you, in fact, it was her idea.

We were all shocked to hear about you quitting. This is big news at the moment in the real estate world.

I know its only been two or three weeks but how does it feel to finally quit?

I'm weirdly proud of you and I hear nearly everybody else left within a week of you. What made you finally do it?

It's been so long since I've seen you and I feel guilty but I'd love to catch up. Just to make sure everything is okay and wondering if by any chance you need a job.

You are the best there is. . .after myself of course.

Hope to hear from you soon.

From your friend,

Lukas Harrington.


I've been staring at the email for a good few minutes now. Hearing from my ex was the last thing I expected but there it is in black and white.

I lean back in my chair and fold my arms in thought. I know I'm going to reply its just a matter of how. We left on relatively good terms and considering I broke his heart, he's been a real gentleman about it. He called me 'the one that got away' at one stage but I've never been able to bring myself to say it about him. If I felt that way, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have let work take over everything the way it did.

"To Lukas.

Well, well, I can truly say I wasn't expecting to hear from you and I believe if you're head hunting; it must mean I was the best.

The operative word there is, of course was. I am done with real estate now. It's screwed up enough of my life already.

I am in Tasmania at the moment. My sister Adriana just passed away and I came over to sort things out.

I'm pretty sure I'll be staying here. Just bought a café so I won't be going back to London any time soon unless it's to get some things.

Richard wouldn't give me the time off to come and see her so I quit. It wasn't planned but that's how my life is going at the moment. Send my love to your wife. Any kids yet?

Was very unexpected but nice to hear from you and I hope everything is well.

Nina Merelize."

I send the email still with a strange look on my face. That was random.

Under the email from Lukas is one from Miles.


How did the rest of your day go yesterday? Hope you're feeling better.

Just as a side note, you may want to focus your attention on getting the chef before anything else as they generally have to give notice before leaving. You probably already knew that, but just in case you didn't.

Just about to get an early night but let me know if you need to talk. I mean it.

From your original coffee man,



"To Miles Demetrius Hamilton,

Thanks for the hint. I will get onto finding a chef today. Feeling much better thanks to you. You were right, the only reason I was so exhausted was because I was trying to over think what I may or may not have missed. Thank you once again. It feels good to have my sanity back.

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