Chapter 3

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Connor and I got to Jays and went in.
"Hey Jay." I said giving him a hug. He hugged me back and then said hi to Connor. "That's for having us one over." I said. We walked into the living room and took a seat. "Pizza will be here in about 10 minutes." Jay and Connor started talking and I decided to go get me a drink.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed some water and then headed back to the living room. "So what new with you guys? Seems like it's been a little since we have talked." Connor and I looked at one another. "Well since you asked. We have some news to tell you." I looked at Connor and then back to Jay. I placed my hand in Connor's "Jay. I'm pregnant." Jay looked at Connor then to me. "Really!" I smiled as Jay stood up. I stood up and he hugged me. "Congratulations." He said and brought Connor into a hug.

I looked at Connor smiling and then back to Jay. Before we could finish talking the door bell rang. "Pizza must be here." Jay walked to the front door and then came back he places the pizza on the table and goes gets two beers one of him and one for Connor. I grabbed a slice and took a bite. I started to feel nauseous again and placed the pizza down. "You ok?" Jay looked worried and then looked at Connor. "She's been nauseous for a couple of days." Connor told Jay. I got up quickly cover my mouth. I took a couple of deep breaths and then sat back down.

I could eat much so Connor and I decide to leave a little earlier. I get into the car and Connor drives us home. I lean my head on the window and close my eyes and fall asleep. I wake up to Connor waking me up. I see that we were home and Connor start to get out. I open the door and closed the door I start to feel a little dizzy and quickly place my hand on the car to stabilize myself. "Lily, you ok?" Connor rushes over to me and makes sure I'm ok. "Yeah, I'm good." I knew I needed food. We walked into the apartment and I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed some crackers and some water. Connor walked over to me once I took a seat on the couch. I laid my head on his lap and fell asleep.

I was walking down to one of the rooms. I could hear a baby cry. I went to open the door and the cries got louder and louder. There was a figure standing over a crib. He reaches down but stops. I felt my heart raise. I tried to take a step forward but I couldn't. The cries were so loud. I tried hard to move my legs but my body wouldn't move. I open my mouth to speak but nothing came out. The figure goes to turn around.
***End of dream***
"Lily. Lily wake up" I was awoken by Connor looking over me and shaking me. "AAAAH!" I yelled and started fighting. I snapped back into reality and the recantation of Connor face came back to be.  "Lily you okay?" I started crying and I could feel my body start shaking. I couldn't talk I wanted to but I just couldn't. Connor holds me tight and tried to sooth me and calm me back down.

Finally after ten minutes I was exhausted and my body was drain I couldn't cry anymore but my body was still shaking. Connor had left to get me some water. "Here take small sips." I grabbed the cup with shaky hands and Connor jumps back into bed and holds me. "Want to talk about it?" I shook my head no and gave him the water back. I laid down and placed my back against Connor. He placed his arms over me and pulls me to him. "Try to get some rest Lily." I listen to Connor and closed my eyes hoping to get some sleep.

Lily Halstead Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now