Chapter 19

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I was laying in bed by myself. I looked over to the clock and it was 4:00 the sun was starting to set. I rolled over not seeing Connor so I decided to get up. I herd talking in the living room so I slowly made my way out. "This is crazy why didn't you guys tell us?" I could hear jays voice. "She's so far along and I know this stress isn't good for her. You guys should have at least told Jay." Will sounded mad and worried. I leaned to the wall and seen Natalie sitting on the couch. I was really nervous on why they were there.

I finally walked around the corner and see the guys standing in front of Natalie they were in the middle of the living room. Will looked up and then the others. "Lily." Connor looked worried. "Sweetie you shouldn't be up." I laughed at him and to him to stop. I walked to the couch and sat beside Natalie. The guys took a seat and then it became quite. "Lily please talk to us." Will said giving me the letter. I hadn't read the letter but the envelope was opened. I looked up at Connor and he looked down. "We read it." He said softly. I took the letter out and then placed it on my lap. "Lily you don't have to read it." I really don't want you to. But I knew I had to. I open the letter and took a deep breath. I looked at the letter not reading any of the words. I scanned over it and the things that popped to mind was there was two paragraphs. A couple of words that was bold and written over a few times.

I heart was pounding and I felt sick to my stomach. I this sick was from the pregnancy that was for sure. I looked up and see Connor he had moved to the floor and looking at me. "Lily you really don't have to ready this." He takes my hand and squeezes it. Natalie started rubbing my back. "Lily please this stress isn't good for the babies. Just give Connor the letter." Connor went to grab the letter as I was just staring at it. I really wanted to read it and see what it said. I wanted what else could his mother blame me for and hated me for? I wanted to know how much more of a horrible person she thinks I am? But then I felt anger come over me.

I stood up quickly or at least as quickly as a pregnant woman with twins could. "What's wrong?" Connor asked concerned. I started pacing back and forth. My mind was racing thought were spits into my mind one by one. "How could she possibly blame me! He own son was the one that hunted me down like I was his property! He broke into my place and beat me up! He kidnapped me and almost killed me! How in the world could she call the monster!" Will and Connor walked up to me and forced me to stop pacing. My mind was still racing and I couldn't hear what they were even saying. "Lily! Look at me." Connor grabbed my face making me look at him.

"Lily. Deep breath breath. Look at us deep breath." I did as I was told and then my thoughts calmed down. But know what I really wanted to do was punch a wall. I had anger built up and I had no idea how to get rid of it. Natalie walked up and took my wrist. "Lily your heart is racing. We need you to calm down." Natalie was calm and kind when she said it but also with a stern tone. I rolled my eyes and brought my head away from them getting Connor's hand off my face.

The thoughts of the babies brought me back down. I couldn't do anything to hurt them. Natalie walked me over to the kitchen and we got some water the guys stayed back to talk. It was getting take and Jay walked up to us and said he had to leave. We hinged and then he left. And fifteen minutes so did Natalie and Will. Connor came over to me after awhile and sat on the couch. "I'll give you the letter after the babies are born." I grabbed his hand and then took the letter. "Lily." I stopped him from talking and looked at the letter. I grabbed the top of the letter and ripped it. "I'm ready to live our life for a change. And get the past in the past" I said then kissing Connor.

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