Chapter 17

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There was so many people yelling and crying. More and more people started to come in. "We need more rooms." Maggie said to Ms Goodwin. "I know, just do what you can and get them to surgery or to recovery." I see Connor run to the entrance and then Dr.Bekker right behind him. A man was coming in with major injuries. Doris came running back in the ED and got started. I went to Connor and helped with his patient . "Lily start an IV. I need xrays !" Connor ordered and went to working on the guy. "I don't want to die." The man cried. Finally the crew with the X-rays came in. "Lily out!" Maggie yells. I stepped all the way out and Connor gives me a look. We run back in once the X-rays were taken. "Ok he had a few broken ribs, left left is severely broken. Connor looks at his chest. "Get him into surgery he's bleeding internally." They quickly run to the elevator and Connor right behind.

I finished helping Dr.Choi and then with Will. After four hours no more patients were coming in. We finished with the last two and everyone was tired. Ms.Goodwin comes to check on the progress . Dr.Charles had two patients he was checking on and then he was finally finished. Sarah comes out of her room and takes a seat. I walked up to the counter my back was killing me the babies were more then active. I get a sharp pain in my side and it takes my breath away. "You ok Lily?" I smiled at Sarah. I see Dr.Charles walk up. "Yeah, twins are extremely active right now." I feel another sharp pain and again takes my breath away. "You look tired come take a seat." I sit at the desk and Sarah bring me water. Natalie walks over and comes to check on me. "They're just active I need a few minutes rest and hopefully they settled back down."

A few minutes past and see Connor come back down. "That's not good." I said to myself. "You good love?" I smiled and said yes. "What happened to your patient?" Connor looked at me and kissed my head "he didn't make it." I knew it was a long shot of his surviving his injuries were way to much. Connor was finishing up is day and I still had another four hours but at least I had nigh shift. "I'll see you home." He kissed me bye and went to get his things. I went back to the computer and got started with some notes and then went to check on some patients.

The few hours went by quickly. I had finished my things and I was just waiting for the last thirty minutes and then I can leave. The ED was calm didn't even look like we had a huge trauma came in this morning. I was the only one left from the morning staff. I grabbed my things and headed out. I walked to my car, placing my bag in the back seat. I turn my car on and turn the music on with the window down. The night was nice with no traffic and I hit almost all green lights. The weather out was beautiful and I was truly loving it. I finally made it home and parked my car.

I made my way to my place and unlocked the door. I quietly walk in and placed my things on the table and then went to the kitchen and grabbed a drink of water. I was so tired and just wanted to sleep. I went to the couch and sat down. I needed a few minutes to myself and relax. "Alex play soft music." I said. I lean back and let my head fall back and listen to the music and then drifted off to sleep.

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