Chapter 5

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I had just finished with the patient that Dr.Bekker was with. "Glad to see you're feeling better." She said and walked away. "Man I can stand her." I said watching her leave. I rolled my eyes and see Maggie come up. "How was it?" I put the orders in and then looked up. "Fine, nothing to nervous." I got up to get ready for the next person. I walked into the room to changed the bed over and reset everything. "Hey Lily." I looked up seeing Nat standing behind me. "Hey  Natalie." I got up and started to walk over. "How you feeling?" I smiled and told her "I'm fine." We walked out and I see Will standing to the side watching me. We walked over to the desk. "I'm about to go on break want to go get lunch?" I was starting to get hungry and it had been a minute since I ate. "Ok."

We walked into the cafeteria and see Dr.Bekker talking with Connor. She definitely looked like she was flirting. I walked over to Connor after getting my food and kissed him on his cheek. "Hey I didn't know you were on break." I took a sip of my water and open my food. The smell was still causing a little nausea but I felt with it. "I'm feel a little better. Just tired." Dr.Bekker told Connor she will see him for their surgery and left. "I really don't like her." I told Connor. Natalie and Connor looked at me, with Natalie smiling a little. Connor just rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink.

I stood up to throw away my food that I barely touched and went back to work. I walked to the elevator and pushed the button. "Hey what time is the ultrasound?" I smile at how Connor was taking this. He really was excited. "After work." I said "what you smiling about?" He asked smiling back. I kissed him and got in the elevator. "Love you." The elevator door closes and I pushed the button for the ED. I walked back to the desk and get back to work.

My shift had finished and I was so ready to go home. "Hey you ready?" I looked at him confused then remember I had an appointment. "Crap totally forgot." I grabbed   My things and we both head to up to see my doctor. The door closes and Connor pushed the button. I knew there was much to e spect since I was still early. But I am so nervous. The doors open and we both stepped out and went to the waiting room. The memory of the first time coming up and conforming I was pregnant came back. Us waiting in the very same spot , the doctor congratulating us. Ms.Goodwin finding out. "Lily." I felt my hand get squeeze and I see a nurse standing at the door. "Come on." I told Connor.

We walked back and I got on the table. "You can lift your shirt." I did as I was told and she started doing her thing. "You nervous?" Connor asked seeing I was shaking a little. "Yeah." He grabs my hand and we watch and then see the little one on the screen. The nurse smiles and takes a few pictures. "Ok everything looks good I'm just going to get the doctor real quick." I was surprised at her reaction then looked at Connor. "Something is wrong." Connor looks at me confused . "She's just said everything looks fine." I hear the door open and see my doctor come in. "Hello." I looked at her quickly. "What wrong?" She smiles and turns the computer to both of us. "Nothing is wrong Lily." I relax a little and laid back down. "But I do what to show you this." She pointed at the scream. And went to both sides of my stomach. "Congratulations you are having twins."

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