Chaoter 22

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"Call Connor." I was wheeled in the ED and placed in one of the room and Natalie came in. The pain was getting worse and I started to scream. "Connor!" Claire and her dad was walking in and then Connor came in. "Dad, Claire? What are you two doing here?" I hit Connor and grabbed his hand. "Unimportant right now Babe." I rolled my eyes. Connor apologize and looked at Natalie. "Is it time?" Natalie asked Claire and Cornelius to wait in the lobby. Connor lifted my bed up and Natalie walked in front of me. "Okay Lily I'm going to check you." I looked at Connor and he laid my head back and brushed my hair pack. I looked at him as another pain from my stomach and my lower back came back. Tires came down my face and I finally know what was happened.

"Lily you water hasn't broken yet but you are having contractions." Natalie walked away with Connor and then they both walked to Will. "Three doctors talking about you isn't ever good" I thought to myself. April walks in and so does Maggie. April puts up a bag of medicine and Maggie helps me breath through the pain. "I want them out NOW!" I said stern. Connor walked in and so did Will. "Lily we are going to wait and see if your water breaks on its own." Before I could speak I started to feel light headed and the room started to spin. I closed my eyes and hoping it will stop once the open. "What's wrong Lily?" Will asked stepping closer. The monitors started going off and then the machines started to flash. "I don't feel good." I said slowly not even meaning to. My vision start to go and then before I knew I was out.

"Lily. Lily." I open my eyes with Connor beside me and so is Will. A team of surgical nurses was wheeling me somewhere. "Connor." I said worriedly. "You passed and had a seizure. We decided it was best you get the babies out." Connor was holding my hand and rubbing my head. "Your be fine." We finally get to the room and I have seen a surgery room many times but when it's for you it hits definitely. I get transfer to the other bed and then a mask was placed over my face. "Count back from 50." I took a deep breath and started "50,49,48,47,46,45." I flicker my eyes open and shut for a few seconds then it went black.

I woke up with beeping machines and a sleeping Connor by my bed. My stomach was starting to hurt so I felt around my bed for the push that would help release medicine. Connor woke up as I was pushing the button. "How you feeling?" I smiled and said "I'm feeling fine." He gets up and checks everything on the monitors and then sits back down. "Just checking." I smiled and shake my head "typical doctor." He laughed a little and kisses me.
The door to the room open and I see two nurses with my babies.

Lily Halstead Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now