Chapter 12

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I had to get up I felt sick. "Lily you okay? What is it?" Connor grabs the letter and reads it. I walk over to the kitchen sick and put some water over my face. "Hey, hey look at me." I fall into his arms and cry. "She's blaming me Connor. She blaming me for his death. I took the note from Connor and ripped it up.

"Maybe it was my fault. If I would have spoken up sooner he may be have just gone to jail. Did I kill him?" Connor pulled me into him and held me "shh, no you didn't. He choose his own actions. You didn't force him to hurt you, or kidnap you. Or for him dying." Connor picked me up and to me to our room. He easily placed me on our bed and then he went to his side and laid down beside me "it's still my fault." I cried.

I open my eyes and the last thing I remember was Connor and I looking at one another in bed. I saw he wasn't there so I turn over and saw it was 630 at night. I throw the sheets off of me and got out of bed. I walk to the kitchen and see Connor cooking. "Hey your up." He said looking over his shoulder. I walked up to hi and see he was making steak, greens and a bowl that is for salad. "Fancy." I smiled. He turns around and kisses me. "Thought you would like something like this." I go to the fridge and grab one of my water bottles. "When will the food be done?" He looked back at the food. "Umm, about 5 minutes." I grabbed a few plates and. Cups and place on our island. I open the trash to throw away some things then I stopped. "Lily?"

The note was in the trash. All of the words came back and I started crying. Connor came over to me and lifted my face up. "This note is from a hurt mother. She didn't know her son like you did. That's not her or your fault." I looked away from him but he stopped me. "Look at me Lily." I couldn't look at him. So he placed his hand under my chin. "Hey, you are a good person. Always remember that. And going to be a great mother." He took me back to one of the chairs and brought over my food. "I can't eat." I said. "Lily, your eating for two. you need to eat." He said stunt and pushed my plate closer to me. He was right so I ate.

After dinner was cleaned up and started getting thing ready for tomorrow since we both go to work. I was cleaning the dishes as Connor was putting food away. And cleaning the stove. Finally we finished and we went and sat in the living room. We watch a movie then Connor went to bed. I decided to stay up a little longer. I walked out to the balcony to get some fresh air. There was a nice breeze and you could just smell the rain about to come in. I herd the sliding door open about 15 minutes later. "Come on Lily, let's go to bed. Connor looked worried and I came in since it was getting late. He placed his arm around me and kissed me. Busy day tomorrow. We get to see the baby again. And we have to work you need your rest." Connor was right. I climb into bed with him and we both fall asleep fast.

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