Chapter 9

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"1 year old fell out of his bed." I run to help and Will was already there and so was Natalie. We get him into one of the rooms and then get started on him. "No is low we need to get back up." Natalie said. Then out of no where he started crashing. Will got started with trying to bring him back. I grab some medicine and gave it to Natalie. "Come on little man don't quit on me." Will was still doing compressions and then he switched with another nurse. I could finally hear the mother behind me crying and begging then to bring him back. Dr.Latham run in and starts working on him. He takes a look at the boys head and notice how swelling the head was. Then the machines started going off again. After ten minutes Will had to call it. The mother was screaming and Maggie came over and helped her. "My baby no, please help him." She cried and held her baby.

I walked out the room and went to the nurses station. April and Doris was watching and Will stood beside me. I placed my hand on my stomach and started to think what if that was my babies. I sat down with my mind raising. "You ok? Lily?" I looked up seeing Maggie standing in front of me. I looked over her shoulder at the mother sobbing. Will crouch down eye level. Something he hadn't done since we were children. "You need to talk?" I snapped out of it and said no. "I'm fine. I have a few things to do." I said getting up quickly. I walked to the other side and looked over seeing Will and Connor speaking. "Crap."

I cleaned the room that the baby was in and April came in to help. "Lily I can do this." Doris walks in after and looks at me "yeah Lily let us do this." I shook my head no and grabbed a few things. "No this is my job. It's just another patient. We see them die all the time. Me being pregnant shouldn't change anything. It doesn't change anything." April looked at Doris and she left. I took the sheets off and then change the monitor patches. "Lily" Connor and Natalie came in and closed the door. "I'm busy get out." I didn't even look up just kept cleaning.

"Lily. I need you to stop." I herd Dr.Charles come in and I finally I quit cleaning. I turn around and seen Connor , Natalie and Dr.Charles. "What now I can't do my damn job?" I walked bast them and out the room. Will was standing by Maggie and Ms. Goodwin. "What!" I said going into the Doctor lounge that Connor was taking me to. "Out." He said and two doctor looked at us and left. "I'm just doing my job." I said throwing my hands up in disbelief." Connor took my shoulders and brought me closer. "You need to relax. I worried." I rolled my eyes and laugh. "Connor" I said taking a step back. "I'm good. Yes a baby died. Yes I thought about our babies. Any mother would." I kissed Connor and went to walk out of the room when Connor stopped me and made me look back to him. "I think it's time to talk to Dr.Charles again. Your not sleeping well and your stressing more. It's like we're living through." I looked at Connor and gave him the look not to finish his sentence. " it's nothing like that!" I yelled. I decided to leave and go back to work.

I seen some of my coworkers and my brother looking at me. "What? I'm going back to work. Maggie what room?"she gave me a look but then gave me a room that had a trauma coming in.

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