Chapter 4

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The next day finally came and But I was still so tired. I definitely didn't have a good nights rest. The dream kept playing over and over And kept me up. I let Connor sleep and I slowly got out of bed looking at the clock that read. 4:25 Am. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed some coffee then went to the balcony. The breeze felt nice and I finally felt calm. I took a sip of my coffee and then I herd the balcony door open. "You ok sweetie?" I didn't look up seeing Connor and then looked back down. "Just couldn't sleep."

He walks over to the other chair and comes closer. "Another nightmare?" I didn't say anything. I was embarrassed to. "Hey I'm here with you." I smiled at Connor and kissed him. We stayed outside for a little while longer and then finally went back in. Connor and I had to get ready for work, so I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I walked out after getting dressed and make up on to see Connor on the phone. I walked up to him quietly and then noticed it was Claire on the other side. "Just come over tonight. That should be fine." Connor hangs up and then turns around. I think it time to tell Claire and my father. Connor definitely didn't sound happy about telling his dad but he know he had to. I grabbed my shoes and Connor grabbed his keys. And we headed out.

We made it to work and we both got out. "How you feeling?" Connor asked coming over to me holding my hand. "Just a little tired." As we were crossing the street a car flew by barely missing us. Connor had pushed me over not realizing I had fallen down. "Lily you ok?" I looked at Connor and said "yeah, I'm fine." I grabbed his hand and helped me up. " come on your getting checked out." I smiled at how worried he was but I didn't need to get checked out. "Connor I'm fine. I landed on my butt. The baby is fine." I know exactly what he was worried about and I needed to put him at ease.

We walked in and the guy that almost ran us over was already in a room. "Maggie he almost hit us and Lily fell can you have her get checked out?" Connor asked before I could say anything she told me to go to a room. "Connor your over reacting." He smiled and helped me in the bed. "Just humor me ." I rolled my eyes and April came in. "Hey herd you fell you ok?" I smile at her and told her what happened. Connor grabbed some monitors and  a ultrasound machine. He turn me over once he checked the baby and everything looked great. As he turn me over I felt a little pain going down my back.

"Did that hurt Lily?" I looked at him and shock my head no. "You have a bruise starting to form." I got dress again and then seen Ms.Goodwin standing at the door. "Everyone ok?" Connor looks at me and then tells her what happened. "Do you need to go home Lily?" I looked at Connor and then said no.
I got off the bed and then started outing my shoes back on. I can work." Ms. Goodwin looked at Connor and then back to me. "I'm fine I can work, I promise." Connor looked at me and then nod to Ms. Goodwin. "Lily if you start not feeling right let us know." I agreed and left the room. The Ed had gotten a lot busier and nurses were everywhere. "Lily trauma room 3." I looked over to the room and see. Dr. Bekker.

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