Chapter 20

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The next day Connor and I both had the day off. I woke up with the smell of coffee and food being made. I slowly got up and then stood up. I felt pain and it felt like contractions. "Connor!" I yelled I grabbed the night stand. Connor comes running in the room. "Lily, what's wrong?" I looked up and I could tell he could see the fear on my face. "The babies?" He asked grabbing his phone. I shook my head yes and he was already talking to the dispatcher to get an ambulance. He placed me back on the bed and then hangs up the phone. The pain was getting intense and I screamed a little. "It's to early Connor they can't come yet."

Few minutes had past and the ambulance pull up. And then I was placed on the stretcher and we were heading to the hospital. Connor was sitting beside me holding my hand. "They will be okay." We come to a stop and the back does open. They take me out and then Connor comes behind me. Natalie runs to the stretcher and they take me to a room. I looked at Connor panicking. Natalie started her exam and then my O.B came in running. Okay Lily take deep breaths." I wanted to pass out the pain was like no other. I screamed a little and then laid my head back. Connor stepped away and then so did Natalie. "NO!" They all looked up to me and stopped talking. "Tell me. I'm the patient. speak!" They all looked at one another and then Natalie stepped forward. "We gave you something to ease the pain. But you are going through early labor. We gave you something to stop it. But we think You should be on bed rest until your little ones are born.
I definitely didn't like that. Just laying in my bed all day is no fun. I agreed slowly and and then Connor walk to me. "Lily we mean it bed rest." I shock my head okay and started to get up. Connor stops me and gives me the side eye. "Sorry." I said and got back in bed. We waited ten minutes for the discharge papers and then finally I was placed in a wheel chair to go home. "Do I really need this chair I can." Will looked at me "are you really going to finish that sentence?" I crossed my arms and didn't say another word. I felt like a child that couldn't do anything fun and was always getting into trouble for no reason.

I made it to Connor's car and I got into the car. "Lily rest." Will said stern. I rolled my eyes and waited for Connor to get into the car. Connor sits in the driver side and I slowly start closing my eyes as we drive off. I felt his hand come on mine and he grabs and holds my hand. I took a few deep breaths and then drifted off to sleep.

We get home and I walked to our room Connor hands me my phone and he goes to make some food since I hadn't eaten anything yet. I open the phone and see a few text messages and calls. I walked over to the couch and laid down. Connor walks over and places and glass of water and kisses me on my cheek. "Let me know if you need anything" I smiled and him "ok" I said and closed my eyes.

"Lily dinner." I open my eyes and Connor had brought my food to me. I sit up and he leaves to grab his food. We sit on the couch to eat which was weird since we never do this. We finish dinner and I was so ready for bed. Connor helped me to the bed and helped me in it. "Do you think the babies are ok?" Even though I knew a lot about medicine since I worked at the hospital and I have lots of doctors as family members I couldn't remember nothing about what was good and bad for the babies and that scared me. "Yes Lily, babies are good. We stopped the contractions. Just please listen to doctors order about resting." Connor said the last part with a little worry in his voice. I knew he was scared as well.

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