Season 1: 5# Mat Is Free

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Zach's POV

Today is the day, my teammates and I are going to pick up Mat from the hospital. Ben got his clothes consisting of his usual minimalist outfit. It is a blue shirt, a khaki jacket and blue jeans. He also brought the pair of high-cut converse shoes Mat usually wears as well as socks. We left the dorms and started walking to the hospital.

Freddie: Do you guys have to walk all the way to the hospital?

Zach: Yeah, that's what we usually do.

Tommy: You know that we visit the hospital frequently because of how many times we've been sick and injured?

Aimee: A lot, no surprise.

Toby: And due to some of us having cystic fibrosis, we're used to going in and out of the hospital.

Freddie: That's horrible.

Bill: Had to do that to get more insulin shots.

Raphael: You got diabetes?

Bill: Yeah.

Raphael: Same. Luckily, I got an insulin pump synced to my amulet. Ryan also has diabetes so he also got it installed.

Bill: How can I get it?

Ryan L: You need to ask Brad if you want to get it. It'll be more convenient because of the constant battles you'll have. And plus, your amulet always alerts you if your glucose levels are high or low.

Bill: That's cool. I wanna know the genius who coded it.

Zach: That was me.

Tommy: As usual.

Bill: Really?

Mr Tan: Yeah, even though Zach is dyslexic, he can still code and he's one of the top Computer Science students.

Oli: You're amazing.

Zach: Thanks.

We reached the hospital and managed to find our way to Mat's room. Once we got there, he is still on oxygen and a feeding tube but he's sitting up and there's no IV attached to him. He is slowly starting to recover from the many deadly diseases.

Ben W: You've gotten better.

Mat: Kind of, yeah.

Brad: You lot are just in time. I had just released Mat today.

Larry: Cool.

Ben W: So he can change, right?

Brad: Yeah.

Ben W: C'mon, Mat. But how is he going to change with the feeding tube and nasal cannula on?

Brad: He'll have to take the nasal cannula off, the feeding tube, keep it in. Just hold on to him so that we won't fall. Because of the amount of time spent in the ICU, he might need to get used to walking again. I'll text you if he needs a tube change.

Ben W: Got it.

Zach: Hope Mat isn't that stubborn.

Mat: I am not stubborn.

Larry: Oh yes you are.

Brad: Just be careful.

Mat and Ben went to the bathroom so that Mat could get out of his hospital gown. After that, Mat and Ben went out of the hospital with Mat sitting on his bed again. Brad put his nasal cannula back on and now, I could barely recognise him anymore. For a month, he was wearing a hospital gown while intubated and now, he's wearing casual clothes with just a simple nasal cannula and a feeding tube.

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