Season 4: 4# We Meet Again

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Author's note:

Another author's note before we get in. So apparently, we have a current Zodiac hero named Michael but he will just be referred as 'Michael' and that's it. But there was also an 80s Zodiac hero named Michael but I'll refer to him as 'Michael J' cuz Michael Jackson hee hee. When I make an 80s spin-off, Michael Jackson would just be called 'Michael.' But anyways, enjoy.


In 1981, Roland and Curt first met their future teammates in their new dorm.

Jon: Oh hi, you must be the new leaders Jerry had assigned, I'm Jon.

Curt: Curt.

Roland: Roland.

George: I'm George and this is my partner in crime, Andy.

Andy: Hi.

Kate: My name is Kate and these are my girl gang friends, Whitney and Madonna.

Whitney: Hi.

Madonna: Hi.

Curt: What about this little girl?

Kyle: I'm Kylie, I'm actually 13.

Curt: Oh.

Rick: I'm Rick.

Bryan: Call me Bryan, I'm technically the only Canadian here.

Michael J: And I'm Michael, hee hee.

Roland: Weird.

Charlie: I'm Charlie.

Craig: I'm Craig.

Curt: Which one is which though?

Jerry: Well, now that you know your team, I already got the dorm set up for the 2 of you. Now, you guys please get along, I don't want you guys to fallout again.

Kylie: Fall out?

Michael J: It's complicated.

Jerry: Anyways, get to know each other, enjoy yourselves.

End of flashbacks...

Zach's POV

I glared at Andrew and Dream for quite some time until I used the water from the Great Bath just to get in front of them. I then used my powers to attack them out of rage because they practically ruined our trip to Wales. All this just so that there would be no more Time Travelling Spirits left to help us.

Zach: You mother fucking bitches!

Andrew: Oh, now you're swearing now. Very naughty boy.

Zach: I'm genderfluid, transphobe.

Andrew: Whatever. Fag-

Aimee: Ohh you're getting cancelled.

Zach: Everyone, come up here and help me fight.

Roland: It would be slower if we used to stairs.

Curt: Just use the holy water over there.

Maggie: For Water-based heroes.

Tanya: Just use the stones here and the Time Travellers will redo the damage.

Maggie: Oh yeah.

Daniel: Eh, I can fly.

Josh: Fire-based heroes like me will bast-off.

Denis: Same for the Air-based heroes.

Toby: Everyone, let's get up there and help Zach.

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