Season 3: 4# Bill And Diabetic Ketoacidosis

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Zach's POV

We all stopped at Bill's room and through the huge window, I was horrified. He is very pale and had loads of IVs attached to him because dehydration is one of the symptoms of ketoacidosis. He is also intubated which immediately traumatised Tubbo. Seeing your friend hooked up to loads of needles and machines is traumatising.

Toby: Oh no.

Mat: Tubbo, you alright?

Toby: Headache.

Jamie: Seeing someone in the hospital is so scary.

Freddie: Especially when he's your best friend.

Zach: You can go in and see him, the ICU has strict visitation rules so not all of us will come in.

Freddie: Sure, I would.

Tommy: I'll go in, Billzo's practically my friend.

Zach: Go ahead. Aimsey, wanna see him?

Aimee: Sure.

Aimee, Tommy and Freddie entered Bill's room with Freddie on one side holding Bill's hand, Tommy on the other and Aimee on the end of his bed. The rest of my team would just mind our own business and stuff.

Tommy's POV

Aimsey, Freddie and I are now in Billzo's hospital room trying to talk to him to see if he remembers us and stuff. I couldn't believe I'm seeing Bill in the hospital, pale and hooked up to so many machines and IVs. I felt like I was dreaming but no, this is reality, the reality I wish it wasn't real. And because Karl's rewind powers don't work on any Zodiac hero, we couldn't rewind back to the time Bill was fine.

Aimee: Poor Billzo.

Tommy: I know. That goddamn estrogen, am I right?

Freddie: I just hope he's alright, not hooked up to so many machines and needles. Look how many IVs he's hooked up to.

Aimee: Looks painful.

Freddie: I know.

Tommy: Yeah, I agree. I've been hooked up to IVs before and now I have a PICC line for the vasopressin. Because prior to that, I have to be hooked up to IVs or have myself pricked just to get the vasopressin in. Thank low blood pressure for that.

Aimee: What would we do when Billzo recovers?

Freddie: We might have to help him walk unless he has brain damage. Brain damage is one of the complications of type 1 diabetes even though not everybody gets that.

Tommy: I just wish that Billzo would have a speedy recovery. Or would wake up soon. I just hope it wouldn't be a month like what happened to Mat.

Aimee: Yeah.

Freddie: Yeah.

Zach's POV

My teammates and I were in the waiting room until Aimsey, Tommy and Freddie came. Later, Brad came in with Ryan, Kyle and Raphael with their diabetic pumps. I ran up to my boyfriend and hugged him.

Zach: How was it?

Ryan L: Felt like I was pricked by an IV.

Zach: Brad, whenever he showers, does he need the pump off?

Brad: Yeah and he might also need tube changes as well. Gerald, you should be listening so that you could learn how you could change the tube and stuff.

Gerald: Alright.

Brad: Calum, you know what to do, right?

Calum: Yeah, Raphael used to own one before it broke down and we had to stick to pens.

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