Season 2: 3# Andrew's Execution

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Author's note:

Okay so before we get started, I'd like to say that I had put this book on break for like 10 days to work on my comic series. But now it's back. Before we continue, I will now refer to Cassie/Snifferish as 'Cass.' Anyways, enjoy.

Zach's POV

Now is the time we'll see Andrew's execution and the entire event would be intense. The Fire-based heroes and I are going to be the executioners. But just before we go to the scaffold and kill Andrew right before our eyes, we have to give off our speeches before his death.

Mr Tan: Good evening Spirits, tonight, you're going to oversee the execution of Andrew Baynton. 

Aimee: Is this the first time seeing an execution?

Cass: Yes, but I'm pretty sure it isn't for the others, I mean, look at Tubbo, he seems intense.

Bill: Didn't he say something about being almost executed before?

Ranboo: He did.

Mr Tan: So now I'll have Andrew's twin brother, Mat, come up here to give a speech. Followed by Tubbo, Tommy, Ben and Larry.

Mat went up to the pedestal with Tubbo, Tommy. Ben and Larry are in the queue. I anxiously listened to what Mat was going to say because what he said shocked me. It is one of the most detailed speeches against Andrew I have ever heard.

Mat: Good evening, I have one final thing to say to Andrew but first, let me talk about my relationship with him. Andrew is my twin brother but we never got along and our relationship got worse ever since Hitler came to power. 

Oli: Hitler?

Mat: Even though he is of Jewish descent, he was antisemitic and supports the Nazi ideology. That is the reason why we were estranged, he'd constantly bully me for being Jewish and for having a learning disability. It got worse when I started dating Ben, Andrew was homophobic. He found another excuse to make fun of me. When Andrew moved to Germany, I was happy but when we reunited, it was the worst nightmare.

Andrew: No, you are.

Mat: Shut up, Andrew. So before I say farewell to you, I'd like to say you suck, you don't deserve to be an uncle to my children. Thank you.

After Mat stepped down from the pedestal, Tubbo went up and gave a speech. The tone of his speech is softer and less detailed compared to Mat's. But he still remembered all the bad things Andrew had done toward him and the entire team and he was even on a verge of going insane.

Toby: Good evening, this is my speech about Andrew and the bad things he did. He is one of the most traumatising people I've ever met, he almost killed my dad right before my eyes when he was trying to kill me. I suffered from depressive episodes and PTSD again because of him.

Ranboo: Is he crying?

Oli: Seems like it.

Karl: Can't tell.

Toby: If you guys want to support Andrew, go ahead, I don't give a damn about it unless you wanna be executed. And Andrew, I dunno why you're still alive at this point but I can't wait for you to die.

Wendy: Did he just..?

Aimee: He's starting to act like a psycho at this point.

Toby: Thank you.

Tommy went up to the pedestal looking a little concerned about Tubbo. I even wondered if he's gone mad or not or if he's slowly becoming a psychopath or a sociopath. What's going on with his mental health now? This is getting concerning.

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