let's get married

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( zahan's pov )

As I already know Zaya's ammie had tok appointment in my hospital I was hoping to see her too...

I had planned to ask her about marriage but her strong denial made me angry ...

As I blackmailed her with her weakest point I was not planning to blackmail her but still, I end up doing it ... It was the first time I got "no" as an answer in my life and that made me angrier, and end up doing it ...

I felt my heart sink when she started crying from my hit on her weakness...

But I had to do that. She has to be mine with force or cource that's was final ...

The image of her beautiful eyes looking at me with tears flashed in my mind as I straightened my back in the driver seat of my car...

The bord on the road reads Faizabad

I sigh in the relief of knowing my destination is not that far...

Everything is going according to my plan .. as I wished mehna is also on my side. She was hella angry when I told her about my interest to marry zaya she was like not in this whole life she gonna let me marry her... But who is she kidding iam zahan Khan I will do things as I want and everyone will obey me...

At first, when I told her that I want to marry her cousin she was like confused and then happy ... But little did I know that her happiness was not about me marrying zaya she was planning her own new story.. she thought that I was proposing to her other cousin ... Who I don't even know but all her happiness fade away when I stated the name Zaya...

Her happy face turned into an angry and frustrated one ... She scold me for thinking about her beloved cousin. She is close to Zaya and cares her a lot it was soo clear in her anger outburst

But as I calmed her saying how much I like her and also like I did with Zaya rishan was my main hit point ... I just calmed her saying that it is always better to marry me than marrying her cousin ... As I thought she fell for that. She was well aware of Zaya's abbus character and how much zaya want to get out of this marriage and as to put cream on the cake I also said her about Zaya's admission in HRS above all that I made adhil my pawn in it he also made mehan understand...

At last, everything turned out to be as I wanted it to be...

I talked to ammie and abbu they were shocked as they were struck by lightning hearing I like a girl... Ammie was like already started giving donations in the happiness. But abbu was confused when he found out who was the girl. as he already knows that Zaya and rishan are going to engage soon. But convincing them was also not that hard as I said this is the only girl I am interested in and I don't know that that I will ever find a girl I like again .... Ammie was in fear of me not getting married at all so she did the balance work of convincing abbu ...

My GPS  said I reached my destination. Their stod my in-law's house I thought. I felt a cold breeze inside me as the feeling of Zaya is inside this house ...

It was a standard house with not much luxury but this house was beautiful in every way as there Stays my beloved...

I was warmly welcomed by Zaya's abbu ... It was really hard for me to talk to him as I am not a talkative person but still I managed my charm

I was looking around to see a glimpse of Zaya but she was nowhere to be seen. I was almost going to ask about her throwing away all my dignity into the bin but before I do that my angel came to view ...

I was sitting in the main hall and the stairs were in my view. Saw a girl wearing a bunny pajama juggling down each step she was wearing bunny ear hair bands she looked exactly like a bunny and her juggling was just like one too..

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