Chapter Twelve

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The pizza delivery guy was nice, so Calida tipped him even though she was mad. She left one pepperoni pizza on the kitchen counter and took the other to her room with a coke. She wasn't sure if she could face Izar.

Three hours later, the pizza box was empty. Calida picked the box up and went straight for the trash with it. The pizza box she had left on the kitchen counter was no longer there. Calida walked to Izar's room. She knocked on the door, but there was no response. She knocked once more and got nothing.

Calida rushed back to her room, she got her gun and a taser gun that she barely ever used. She threw on a leather jacket hurriedly. She got her phone and a burner phone too. If Izar had her phone with her, she would be easier to track down. Calida assessed the app that would help her track Izar and just as she thought, Izar wasn't anywhere close to the house.

The app said she was at least a mile away. She was at a local club nearby. Calida rushed out of the house, locking the door before hastily getting into the car. She drove off, trying her best to at least respect the neighborhood speed limits. She drove for at least ten minutes before locating the exact place Izar was at. She parked the car and got to the entrance of the club, but the bouncer stopped her.

"What's the code?" He asked in a gruff voice.

Calida groaned, clearly irritated. She pulled out her phone and checked the location. She was at the right place. She turned and smiled at the bodyguard.

"I don't know the code. It's my first time, so I don't know how this place works. I'm new in town," she replied.

"Then you have to pay!" He retorted.

"How much are we talking about?"

"50 bucks. You're making the queue longer. Pay or move aside."

Calida pulled her wallet out and slapped a hundred-dollar note in his hands. He smiled, winked at her, and opened the door. Calida ignored him as she walked into the club. The lights were too much and it blinded her for a second. She glanced around the crowd of people, looking for the stubborn human she had been paid to protect.

Someone grabbed her hand and pulled her to the center of the dance floor. Calida grabbed the hand with her free hand, when she looked up, she was face to face with a girl not older than Izar. She freed her hand. The girl looked drunk already.

Calida walked the other way to the bar, from there, she accessed the crowd. When she didn't see Izar, she turned to the bartender. He offered her a vibrant smile.

"Looking for someone?" He asked.

"Yeah. I am. Hold on, I'll show you a picture," Calida said.

She pulled up Izar's picture on her phone and showed it to him. He looked at it for at least two seconds before nodding.

"She was here for some time. Then this guy just randomly joined us and invited her to his VIP room," the bartender said.

"Thank you," Calida replied, dropping a fifty dollar note as a tip for him. He grinned at her as she walked away.

The VIP section of the bar wasn't as crowded as the rest of the bar, Calida moved from the first room in the VIP section. She peered inside and only found two people there. She moved to the next, no sign of Izar. It was in the fourth room that Calida heard a frail voice. It was Izar.

She burst right through the curtains to find a man, pants down trying to have his way with Izar while his friends made a video.

"Get off her right now!" Calida yelled.

The man turned angrily, "And who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?" His friends chuckled, turning the camera to Calida's face.

"Here to join in the fun?" One asked, "yeah. We've got room for more," the other added.

Quietly, Calida turned and closed the door. She locked it with the key and shoved it in her pocket. She turned back to the surprised men, before cracking her knuckles. The sound echoed through the room.

"Calida? Save me..." Izar said feebly.

If Calida had not been angry already, the pain in Izar's voice ripped her heart into shreds. Izar's clothes had been ripped. There was a couple of bruises on most parts of her body, including her face.

She turned to the man, a sick grin on her face, "you wanted to know who I am? Her bodyguard. And you're all in trouble."

The guy who had been forcing Izar attacked first. Calida dodged his blow, hitting his face with her elbow. She heard a sickening crack before grabbing his head and slamming him right into the door.

The next guy attacked her, punching her side just before she could see him. Instead, his hand hit her taser. When he moved back, yelping in pain and holding his hands, Calida pulled him back to her, throwing a punch at his jaw and nose. The third guy dropped the camera on the couch and rushed toward Calida. She moved aside so he ran straight into the wall behind her. The first guy got up. Calida hit him in the chest with her boot. She punched the second guy whose hand she was still holding multiple times on the face and stomach until he collapsed, completely knocked out.

She let go of him, before turning to face the third guy.

"Don't you want to make more videos?" She asked him as she hit his stomach. He fell to his knees, groaning. She grabbed a stool and knocked him on the head. He fell unconscious.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have messed with your friend," the first guy pleaded.

"I thought as much," Calida replied, grabbing his hair and punching his face one more time. This time, she burst his lip. He tried to fight back weakly. Calida grabbed the champagne bottle sitting in the ice bucket and smashed it on his head and then left him on the floor, groaning in pain and bleeding from his nose.

She took a clean cloth, grabbed the camera with it, and went straight for the first guy.

"Look at the camera. This is what you get for touching someone inappropriately. Stand up and fight like a man!" She yelled before kicking his side. The impact of her boots on his side resulted in a sickening crunch.

The young man groaned in pain, but Calida didn't seem satisfied. She straddled him and then multiplied the punches she had already given him before getting up, satisfied that he was knocked out completely. She checked his pulse, he was still doing fine.

"At least you can take a beating. I won't let you die so easily," she murmured.


Calida turned to Izar. She rushed to her side immediately. She wiped her face. Izar was sweating profusely even though the room was cold. 

"Hey, it's all right. I'll take you to a hospital now. Hold on," Calida said.

Calida called the police with the burner phone she had brought with her, grateful that she had somehow remembered to bring one with her. She took the camera with her, refusing to touch it, but instead wrap it up with a towel she found in the room. Calida carried Izar in her arms and walked out the open door. As she walked through the crowd of people, they made way for her.

The nurses didn't ask many questions, they seemed to understand what had happened. Quietly, they took care of Izar, only the doctor asked questions that Calida willingly answered.

"You can see her now," a nurse with cropped hair said, "she's lucky you got there on time. The drugs he gave her could have done permanent damage to her body."

Calida quietly offered a nod of appreciation because she found it hard to say anything. She walked toward the door and opened it, walking inside the hospital room quietly.

Izar was fast asleep on the bed, a couple of wires and machines were connected to her small frame. Calida wiped a small tear that had spilled from her left eye. She sat on the armchair closest to Izar's bed and took Izar's hand in hers.

"I promise," she said, "I'll never let something like this happen ever again."

Izar's heart monitor began to beep a little fast.

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