Chapter Three

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It was a few minutes past seven in the morning when Calida returned back to Izar's house. For someone who had been jogging for two hours, she didn't look tired or out of breath.

She groaned as she walked into the kitchen to find out there was no coffee. She made some anyway.

She heard a noise behind her, but she didn't bother to check or know who it was. She glared at her cup of coffee instead.

"Good morning, Calida. I see you made coffee," Izar said as she walked into the kitchen. Calida only grunted a reply.

Calida felt eyes on her. Eyes that seemed like it was boring through her soul. She tried to shake the feeling off, but it only got stronger. It started as something warm, a tingle and now, she could feel goosebumps creeping up on her skin.

Behind her, Izar's eyes were glued to Calida's body. Calida had tattoos. Really hot tattoos and apart from that she had a body that could make anybody, anybody at all, drool. She was ripped.

She tried to take her eyes off her body, it was harder than she thought. Peeling her eyes off Calida's body took a whole lot of willpower. She wiped the drool from the side of her mouth and pretended to find the stickers on her fridge interesting.

"I wanted to ask you about certain things last night. But I couldn't. I'm wondering if I have to wait until you're comfortable with having me around before I could ask," Calida stated, her back still facing Izar.

Izar snapped out of her daydream at the sound of Calida's voice. What kind of effect did Calida suddenly have one her? Just yesterday, she hated having her in her apartment and today she was daydreaming about her. She pinched herself and groaned quietly from the pain.

"You're free to ask whatever you want. It's not like I can do anything about it," Izar answered, sitting on the countertop in the kitchen.

Calida turned to face her and Izar almost froze. How could one person be this hot? She plucked her eyes off Calida and stared at the fridge again.

Calida's face was always in a permanent frown, or scowl. She stared at her cup of coffee as she began to talk again.

"You were at a club few weeks ago or so. Something happened there. Something you must have witnessed. Do you remember anything?"

"Uh, nope. I don't."

"But you were at a club. You must have gone with your friends, yeah? So, none of you recall anything? Nothing at all?"

"I'm not sure. Besides, it was just a night out, a wild one. Except I was extremely hungover and I don't remember most of what took place."

"What do you remember then?"

Izar turned to face Calida this time. For a small second, she saw something flash through Calida's eyes. She couldn't tell or place a finger on it.

"When we got to the club, we were just having a good time. I don't remember taking much alcohol though. There was this guy, he invited us over to his VIP section. My friends thought it would be fun, so we went with him. He said he came to our city for business purposes and he would be leaving soon, he just wanted to have fun before then. I wasn't quite interested, but Alyssa was, so she was the one talking to him. A few minutes later, some other guys joined us. They started talking in whispers and I thought maybe it was just business."

Calida listened quietly. How could Izar be so naive? Those were definitely drug lords or some underground mafia bosses and she didn't leave. She could tell whatever was going on was pretty messed up already.

"What happened after that?" Calida asked quietly.

"I don't quite remember much, but I do remember they offered us drinks. I didn't want to drink at first because it actually felt creepy, Alyssa and Han were already downing glass after glass and I didn't want to seem like a prude, so I took a glass for myself. I got drunk quite fast. I told Alyssa I was going to use the restroom, she didn't want to come along. I left, but I forgot my purse, so I returned back to get it. I got back there...the next thing I remember was waking up on Alyssa's couch. Nothing else."

Now that Izar thought of it, she really didn't remember important bits of that night. She was certain Alyssa and Han wouldn't either. But then, Alyssa wasn't getting any of the death threats she was getting. She definitely saw something that night, something she wasn't supposed to see.

Tears filled her eyes almost immediately. What would Calida or anyone who bothered to listen think of her? She felt stupid, she broke into a sob and without taking a second glance at Calida, she ran off to her room.

Calida stood still for a second, mentally calculating her next choice of action. Her hands balled in a fist, she stalked of towards Izar's room. She knocked. Once, twice, a third time.

"Please go away, Calida. I don't want to talk."

"If you don't open the door, I'll be forced to break it down."

"What the! No, no. Just let me be, okay?"

"I'll count to five then. One, two, three..."

Izar opened the door.

"Well, look! It worked."

Even though, she sounded enthusiastic, there was no single enthusiasm on Calida's face nor in her eyes.

"I know what you're thinking, Izar. Whatever you've been through, was never your fault. Even I had made worse decisions at some point in my life."

Izar stared up at the tall bodyguard. Their eyes met for a short second before Calida broke their gaze. Izar wondered what kind of worse decisions the bodyguard had made as she closed the door to her room.

"What a way to start my day?! Well yeah, start it by crying like a baby in front of a hot bodyguard."

Izar wiped her eyes, pulled off her pajamas and headed for the shower. She forgot she didn't live alone anymore.

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