Chapter Fifteen

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It took three days before the bruises started to disappear. But that didn't matter because Calida wouldn't let her leave the house. She got their assignments, ensured they were done, and then turned them in. She did the chores as well, went grocery shopping, and did the laundry too.

All of these did not annoy her. Only one thing did. Calida had been ignoring Izar for days now, ever since they cuddled, but every night, she insisted on sitting on the chair in Izar's room to ensure the small woman was safe, and Izar was already fed up with her attitude. All they did was cuddle. It wasn't like they had sex. Calida was stiff, and she was beginning to irritate Izar.

"Calida!" Izar yelled out loud.

Calida came rushing into the room in shorts and a sports bra, revealing rock-hard abs and strong legs. Izar swallowed hard. She had seen this body before, but every time, it did the same thing to her. She felt the heat between her legs grow as she stared at Calida's stomach.

"My face is up here, ma'am," Calida said softly.

Izar rolled her eyes, pulling them away from Calida's abs. "I can also see that. But right now, I'd rather stare at your abs."

It was already too late to take that back. Calida rolled her eyes as she stared at the woman.

"Why did you call me? What do you want?" Calida asked her.

"Could you stop being so nasty to me? I thought we had grown past that! Look, it's been five days already. I'm okay. I want to get back to attending my classes. You can tag along since you have to, but I need to resume. Do you understand me?" Izar asked Calida.

The woman shrugged, flexing her muscles and causing Izar to hold her breath.

"Alright then. Be ready. You'll resume on Monday," Calida said with no enthusiasm at all.

She left the room without saying another word, walking back to her room. She had been working out constantly, so she had something else to occupy her mind. Ever since she woke up to Izar's mouth on her neck, right on her soft spot, she found it hard to look at the woman. Thankfully she was a grumpy person, so she dealt with her thoughts and feelings how she knew best. She ignored it.

By Monday, Calida was the eager one to leave. Thankfully, Izar's bruises had healed perfectly, and she was alright.

"Do you think we should tell my dad about my assault?" Izar asked her as they drove to school.

"We will have to. But your father is out of town, and he doesn't wish to be contacted right now. We will tell him once all of this is over. That way, I don't lose my job, and he can't hire someone incompetent," Calida replied.

"Okay. I don't want anyone else, though," Izar blurted out.

Calida stared at the side mirror as they drove into school. A silver spider was tailing them. That was strange. She hadn't noticed the car until a minute ago. She took a wrong turn, and the car followed. Another one, but the car didn't stop or turn back.

"I think someone is following us, Izar. But I need you to stay calm, okay?" Calida told Izar.

Izar looked at her side mirror and noticed the car. She let out a long line of curses. Calida took another turn that would lead them back to the hall they were going to have a class. She parked the BMW and got out first.

The car had a plate number, thankfully. She walked over to Izar's side and opened the door. She offered Izar a hand. At first, Izar hesitated, staring at Calida's hand in front of her. Then she took it, and Calida helped her out of the car.

"You're shaking. Are you nervous?" Calida asked her.

"A little. Do you know who's following us?" Izar asked.

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