Chapter Twenty-Three

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They went to bed together. Izar had drifted off to sleep and Calida had carried her to the bed. She slipped in next to her and snuggled the woman.

The first thing that woke Calida up was a sudden urge to pee. That, and the leg that was wedged between her legs.

"Fuck..." She groaned, trying to think of a way to remove the offending limb without waking her sleeping cuddle buddy.

She slowly removed the leg, taking care not to act too fast. Izar whimpered and snuggled into Calida before turning around to face the other side, taking her leg with her. Calida sighed, before getting out of the bed. She answered nature's call first, washed her hands and her face, pulled her hair that had come out of its bun the previous night, thanks to Izar, into another messy bun.

Calida didn't bother with changing her outfit before grabbing a yoga mat and heading out of the room. She stretched while making pancakes. Multitasking was the only way she could stay calm and not think about how she had almost combust the previous night. Her stomach had been filled with butterflies and her mind hadn't been in the right place.

After making breakfast and stretching, she did some cardio workout before heading back to her room. There was no sign of Izar anywhere.

"She's probably taking a bath," Calida murmured.

She turned on her laptop again, going straight for the footages from their house. The men she saw were pretty much unrecognizable. She didn't know them, but she knew who had sent then. One man turned to the camera and smirked. They had found her clue.

Packing up had been easy for Calida —who already had things put together, but not Izar. She had gotten too comfortable.

"Again? But we just got here. You said we were safe here!" Izar whined, pulling her hair into a bun.

Her wet hair was subtly distracting, but Calida was not about to admit that.

"You have to understand that this has gone beyond protecting you. It doesn't just involve your friends. It also involves your father. Look, my job is to keep you safe, but at the same time, I have to hunt these men who want you dead. Because they also want me dead. I need to protect you and I also need to take revenge. So, go pack up. I'll pack up the food. They'll be here any moment and I want you to be safe."

Calida wasn't much of a talker, but Izar had turned her into one. She turned and walked in the opposite direction. By the time they were ready to leave, Calida was in a clean suit again. She looked so good, Izar couldn't take her eyes off of her bodyguard.

"Stop staring." Calida groaned as she packed their things into the trunk.

"Why? You look so good, I want to gobble you up," Izar said.

"Just get in the car. I need to get you to safety." She responded.

Izar rolled her eyes, but did as she was told. She climbed into the car and so did Calida. A small beep on her watch alerted her of an unfamiliar vehicle in the building premise. Calida groaned. They were here already.

"Oh, fuck." Calida groaned.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"We've got unwanted visitors." Calida responded.

"What-what do you mean by that?" Izar asked.

"It means I'm going to get out of the car and you're going to drive until you're somewhere else. I'm giving you an address. Go there and you'll be safe. I'll come find you."

Before Izar could speak up, Calida handed her a small pink pistol. She stared at it, eyes wide.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" She asked.

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