Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Calida walked behind Rocco as he led her through the doors of the building. She stepped over a piece of rotten wood and looked up to find Rocco walking towards one of the rooms where they had spent hours training. Calida suddenly felt overwhelmed. It was a bit too much to take in. On the first day of her training, two weeks after her arm had shown signs of healing, Rocco had made her run for miles, only to come back and begin many push-ups. Calida had only been eight and she cried for hours after that.

That was the last time she shed a tear. Calida's hand moved to the pocket of her hoodie. She didn't bring her holster because she didn't think she would need to, but she'd brought a gun and her hand was busy toying with it. What was Rocco up to?

"Mi dispiace, Calida. Per tutto. Questa scuola ha iniziato a crollare completamente ed è diventata così due anni fa. I thought I could save it, but the Headquarters told me to rebuild it again if I wanted to continue being a part of it, after everything I'd contributed to their growth!" Rocco balled his hands into fists as he spoke, his eyes never leaving the boxing ring he was staring at now. "I have to do everything myself, Calida. I hope you'll forgive me."

Calida didn't understand him. She couldn't figure out why he was apologizing to her. Her body was on high alert nonetheless. Something was wrong and she couldn't figure it out. Calida heard something. It wasn't too loud, but the second she took a step back, she heard a gunshot.

"What the hell?" Calida growled. She pulled out her gun, causing Rocco to gasp in surprise. She turned in the direction the shot had come from and caught sight of a man about to pull the trigger again.

Calida fired her gun. It was a clean headshot. The man stumbled backward, dead on the spot. As someone else took over and began shooting sporadically, Calida grabbed Rocco and ran off. The shooting stopped before they headed outside.

"Run, get into the car!" Calida shouted at Rocco.

She turned to the side of the building, where there had once been a pond. She fired a shot as Rocco climbed into the passenger side of the car. Someone groaned as she climbed into the car and in that second, Calida caught sight of someone. He had a sinister smile plastered on his face and he seemed to be staring right at her.

"Diablo!" She growled.

With no more gunshots coming from that direction, Calida was certain the shooter was dead. The car's engine roared to life as she turned on the ignition. The second she took off, Calida realized two other cars were going after her too.

Rocco was supposed to be a safety net for her. No one would dare attack a man with as many connections as Rocco. And yet, they did, while he sat in the safety of her car, continuously muttering words under his breath. Calida couldn't pay attention to him while avoiding being hit by the cars pursuing them. She needed to keep them alive.

She didn't want to drive into the village nearby. Instead, she took a different route. Diablo would not give up until he'd gotten what he wanted. She avoided a collision with a truck. Two more pursuers joined the other ones. One car drove into the car and she grabbed her gun and pointed out the window. She peeked out of the window before pulling the trigger. The car crashed into the second car causing a loud explosion.

Rocco's eyes went wide at the sound. He hadn't been in this type of situation for years and here he was, hoping he would escape. Calida on the other hand was trying her best to avoid collisions with other cars. She'd managed to stop two cars, but there were two more still in pursuit of her.

"There's a factory nearby, yeah?" Calida asked Rocco.

At first, he didn't understand what she was saying until she repeated the question, this time louder.

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