Chapter One

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Izar's father stood at the door to his penthouse, a cigar in hand and a walking stick, intricately designed, on the other. Izar didn't like him smoking, she squeezed her face in disgust and the older man chuckled.

"You won't give papa a hug?" He asked.

"No. Papa seems to be in a world of his own. And I can't hug papa if he's smoking a cigar," Izar replied.

He smirked, before handing the cigar to a bodyguard. Izar watched as the man took cautious steps as he walked away. She hated them, bodyguards. She was almost certain she didn't need one.

"Where's wet Willy?"  Izar asked, searching the hallway with her eyes to see if she could find her father's Chihuahua.

When she didn't find it, she stared at her father knowingly. "Did you send him to Jenner's? You knew I was coming and yet you did that?"

The older man chuckled. He waved Izar over and then pulled her into a big hug. Sometimes Izar thought her dad acted like some big mafia boss even though he wasn't one. He had a few of them as friends though, she knew that one fact.

"Williams is asleep. But first, let's get you inside. Okay?" Izar nodded in response. She walked side by side with him as they entered the pent house.

"I hear you're being threatened at school," He said as he sat down on a sofa, his legs crossed.

Izar stared at the paintings of Wet Willy. They were new and she wanted to change the topic. "It's nothing serious. Besides, you got new paintings of your ugly Chihuahua done. That's so sweet of you."

Her father stared at his expensive Rolex watch and then sighed. "I don't have all day, Izar. I have a business meeting to attend in Singapore and I'll be an hour late if you keep me. I know very well how much you hate the idea of having a bodyguard... But... You actually need one right now."

His voice was strained and Izar could tell. She ignored the painting and stared back at her father.

"I don't want any of your men flocking around me. As it is, I already hate them..." She said. She caught James' sad frown and then stuttered, "no offense James. I'm just being honest with my opinion. I'm sorry if it hurts."

James gave her a small smile, "none taken, Izar."

She turned back towards her father, "I just don't want one, I can handle myself."

"You can't. So, I went through the stress of finding you the perfect bodyguard. And you don't have to worry, it's a girl your age."

Izar glared at her father. "What part of I don't want a bodyguard did you not get?!"

"The part where thugs attack you in school and send threatening letters. You cannot change my decision, it is final," her father replied. His eyes darted every where but Izar.

He turned to James. A look and a nod had James walking out of the sitting room towards one of the rooms, probably the guest room. Izar stood where she was, next to the painting of Wet Willy. She was mad and every negative reaction could worsen the matter.

James came out a minute later, someone walked behind him. Izar felt like the earth should have opened and swallowed her. But no, that was never going to happen. As they got closer, James stepped aside, revealing the new bodyguard.

Just like her father had said, it was a girl her age, or a little older. Izar just stared, probably awe struck. Why would anyone as fine as this ever want to become a bodyguard? The question felt stupid, so Izar kept quiet.

She just observed. The bodyguard was at least 5' 11inches tall, if not more. She was mixed. She had the most thick curly black hair, Izar had ever seen in her entire life. She seemed pretty fit, not masculine, but also not very feminine. Her eyes were a dark hazel and Izar found herself looking straight at them for too long.

Awkward, she thought, I'd never stare at a girl like that. But she was any way.

She still observed her new bodyguard even more. The girl had freckles scattered everywhere on her face, thick set brows and full lips. Well, she was one hell of a sexy bodyguard, Izar just had to agree.

"Izar..." her father started, calling for Izar's attention. She turned her attention to him.

"Meet Calida Arell. She's your new bodyguard. Calida, she's my daughter, Izar. She's the one you're to guard," he gave a pause, picked up a black case that sat next to him and handed it to Calida, "this is what you asked for. But you have to promise to protect Izar at all cost. She's your boss now, she gets to decide."

Calida took the case from him and opened it. She nodded at it's contents that Izar could not see. She gave a firm nod for the last time, a signal that meant she understood and that their deal was complete.

Izar's father turned to James, "go get Williams, so we can head out. Calida knows what to do."

James walked off, leaving Izar alone with the unplanned bodyguard and her father.

"Your safety is important, Izar. I'm doing this for your own good. Someday, you'll be thankful. You'll remember today and laugh. I love you Izar, and I promised your mother I'd protect you at all cost. That is what I'm doing."

Izar stared at the bodyguard again, and then her father.

"I understand, dad. I'll learn to get used to my new handbag. Plus, you've gotten me one against my wish, I believe I'll be safe as I'm in good hands."

"Well  alright, she'll get you back to school tomorrow. As for now, you'll be here. No excuses," he concluded.

Izar walked close enough and gave him a hug. "I love you, dad. Do take care of yourself."

"Yes. Bye, Izar."

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