Chapter Thirty

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With Rocco gone, Calida felt weak. She'd never done anything to Rocco and if he had asked for anything, she would have given it to him. There was no need for the betrayal she faced at his hands. He'd been helping her and Diablo at the same time. If Diablo knew who she truly was, it would take their battle up a notch. She wasn't sure what to make of that.

She held in the gun in her hand tightly, as if someone would take it from her.

"Izar! Fuck!" She groaned as she stared at her watch.

It was past dinnertime and Izar would be furious. Calida found her way to the door and out into the hallway. She hurried down the stairs and suddenly came to a stop.

Diablo was everything she had imagined him to be. He looked just like his father, a nasty look on the face, dull eyes, black hair, and a face that had been shaved clean. She hadn't really figured it out when she had started her investigations, trying to figure out who this cruel human was. Now she knew. Diablo stared at her or more like glared. His eyes bore hole through her skull. She walked closer and stopped. Her fingers twitched around the trigger of her gun. Diablo didn't have a weapon on him. But his hatred was obvious, she could see it in his dark eyes.

"You... you're still..."

"Alive? Is that it? Is that the word you're looking for, Diablo?" She asked him.

He glared at her. "Yes. I'm surprised they haven't put a bullet through your skull yet. How is that even possible?"

Calida shrugged. "Anything is possible. Now I can see you don't have a weapon on and as much as I despise you and the evil you've done against humanity, I'm not going to touch a hair on your head. I'll only ask you to leave."

"How dare you?!" Diablo roared.

"Ha! You're stupid. You better leave before I change my mind. You really don't know what I'm capable of. I don't think dear Pedro would love to have just a finger—a pinky finger to bury," Calida said with a smirk on her face.

Calida raised the gun and pointed it in Diablo's direction. He grimaced and took a step back. She pulled the trigger and the sound of a gunshot rang through the room. The bullet missed Diablo though, by an inch.

"I missed, but I won't miss a second time. Leave."

Diablo turned and fled, almost hitting the wall as he tried to leave without getting shot. Calida sighed, still holding on to the gun, she walked out of the factory and straight to the car. The ride back to the hotel was a quiet one. Calida would have to pay for whatever damage the car had suffered while she had been chased.

Calida parked the car and climbed out, handing the keys to the valet whose mouth hung open at the sight of the BMW.

"Ask the management to add whatever the cost for the car is to my bill," she said as she walked into the hotel.

The first thing she did once she walked into the hotel suite was to shrug off her clothes. It was a gasp from Izar that caused her to pause.

"What?" She groaned as she dropped her hands.

"What happened to you? And why are you bleeding? Everytime you leave and come back, you return with some injury or something, it's crazy. What sort of trouble did you get into this time?"

Calida frowned. "I don't get into trouble. It finds me."

"Oh ho!" Izar exclaimed. "So you agree you're a trouble magnet?"

Calida rolled her eyes at Izar before picking up her clothes. She was in nothing but a white boxer brief that matched her sports bra. Calida looked down, expecting Izar to say something more when she hadn't answered her. Instead she found Izar quietly staring at her body.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Huh?" Izar snapped out of her thoughts. "Yeah... uh, I'm okay."

Calida nodded. "Good. It's good that you're alright. Now, you should go pack up your stuff. We need to leave. It's not safe here anymore."

"Are you kidding?" Izar asked, grabbing Calida's arm. "What do you even mean by that?"

Calida paused. Her body was on fire. She stared at the hand holding her arm and didn't say a word until Izar let go.

"We're leaving because Diablo probably knows where we are and I don't want him anywhere near you. I have to keep you safe," Calida said quietly, turning away from Izar.

"What the fuck?!" Izar groaned loudly.

Before she could take a step in the opposite direction, Calida grabbed her and pulled her closer. Their eyes met and Calida reminded herself to not get lost in them.

"We never wanted this, I'm aware. But we've got to keep moving until we're found. It's a lot, I know. But I promise you, Izar, not a hair on your head will be harmed, not when I'm alive."

Izar swallowed hard. Calida's breath fanned her face and all she wanted to do was pull closer until there was no space left between them. Instead she took a step he until Calida's grip on her arms broke free.

Calida watched her walk away. She turned and walked to her room, glad she hadn't unpacked her things. She grabbed a suit and stripped immediately. She took a few minutes cleaning up in the shower before wiping herself clean and pulling on a clean suit. Armed and ready to leave, she got out of the room and headed to the sitting room. Izar glowered the second their eyes met.

"You can be mad all you want, but this is for your own good. Stay here, I'll go arrange for a car. We'll leave immediately and find a random hotel to stay in," Calida said, placing her precious suitcase on the couch.

"A random hotel? And did you bother cleaning the wound you got from fighting people?" Izar asked, taking a hold step forward.

All Calida had to do was meet her halfway. Izar realized her mistake a little too late. She was standing in front of her absolutely hot bodyguard and their eyes were locked. And even though Calida's beautiful hazel eyes were warm, Izar could see the beast hidden behind those eyes.

"Do you have a problem with staying in a random hotel?" Calida asked.

Her voice was a soft, velvety whisper that made Izar melt instantly. She shuddered and took a step back, moisture pooling in the wrong place.

"No. I don't mind staying at a random hotel," Izar responded. Her voice sounded strained, like she was trying her best to hold something back.

Calida left her alone, heading for the door. She gave her one last look before walking away. Izar fanned herself the second Calida was out of sight. What would she do with a woman like Calidar, someone who was everything she was against and yet, she was into?

She checked the time, counting every second until the door sprang open again. Maybe it was the way Calida walked or talked, maybe it was her actions, but as far as Izar was concerned, she was smitten by her bodyguard.

"We can leave now," Calida said as she walked into the room.

Her suit was a certain shade, almost blue, but with a hint of pink. It made Izar feel warm inside. She blushed silly when Calida moved her aside to help her with her suitcase.

She watched the taller woman do things that left her flustered and extremely hot. Izar fanned herself as they left the hotel room. One day, she'd get what she wanted from her stoic bodyguard.

The car was a different one, the type that looked ordinary and you didn't have to pay it any attention. Calida stuffed their things into the backseat of the car, held the door open for Izar to climb in, before getting into the car as well.

"Fuck! Ugh! What kind of car is this? How old is this thing?" Izar groaned while trying to buckle the seatbelt.

Calida stretched forward, ignoring the look on Izar's face as she buckled the seatbelt. There was so much going on inside her. She couldn't afford to do anything wrong.

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