Chapter Twenty-Two

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After dinner, Calida pretended not to know Izar existed, leaving her all alone in the sitting room and heading for the control room. She accessed the security system of their house just to make sure they had come in search of her. And just as expected, the camera at the house had caught something. A group of men had gone over to the house. She knew where this was going. She could sense it, and she was patiently waiting.

A knock on her door pulled Calida out of her line of thought. She knew who it was without looking.

''The door is open, you can come in," she said, shutting the laptop down.

An annoyed Izar walked into the room. Her eyes were a furious blue and Calida wasn't sure what she had done again. Izar twirled the chair Calida was sitting on, so they could be face to face, after all, they were almost at the same height as Calida was sitting, making her only a couple of inches taller than her bodyguard. Calida didn't attempt to stand up. Izar's chest was in her face and she could see hard nubs poking at the old shirt Izar had on. She swallowed quietly before looking up at Izar.

"What crimes have I committed now?" Calida asked, her voice a bit huskier than it usually was.

It sent heat waves down to her abdomen and settled there, building more and more. Izar thought it was funny how she had never thought about anybody the way she thought about Calida. When she had pictured the perfect Ken to her Barbie dolls, they had been just like Calida. And now that she knew why, now that she was beginning to figure it out, she couldn't let Calida slip out of her hands.

She took Calida's hand and pressed the soft palm to her chest. Calida could feel Izar's hardened nipple poke against the side of her palm, but more than that, she could feel Izar's beating heart. It was strong and pulsed against her palm, and the beating seemed to grow with every breath that Izar took.

"Do you feel that?" Izar asked quietly, almost out of breath, she had leaned in closer, parting Calida's thighs so she could situate herself between her bodyguard's legs.

Calida nodded, unsure of how she would sound if she attempted to say a word. This was different from Gina's. This was unplanned too, but it was intense. How could someone who had been trained to stay hard-headed and unfeeling, suddenly begin to feel again?

"Ever since I saw you walk into my father's penthouse, it's hammered like that in my chest. At first, I didn't know why. But with every minute that I've tried to push you away and you've tried to push me away, it kept beating harder. It was for you. All for you, Cal. Please, stop pushing me away. I don't want that. I don't like it. The other day, when you came back with that stab wound, I'd thought I'd lost you...."

"But..." Calida whispered.

"Let me talk. I had to patch you up and I'm not sure, but you hid your pain from me..."


"I said let me talk." Izar hissed.

Calida swallowed. She had never in her life been under the control of a rich brat, but now, she could feel the heat growing in the lower part of her body, and she was certain it was because of Izar's dominance. She held back a growl and folded her hands into fists so she wouldn't pull Izar into her aggressively. She kept quiet.

"Go on," she whispered, her voice low, and dripping with something that sent a chill down Izar's spine.

Izar shivered visibly. The moisture between her legs was making it impossible for her to move because every bit of friction only made the heat in her abdomen increase. She stared at Calida, hazel eyes meeting blue ones.

"I couldn't deal with it, okay? I couldn't see you getting hurt." She said.

"But why?" Calida asked, her velvety voice causing another shiver to run down Izar's spine.

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