Chapter 33: Prepare Your Defense

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A/N: Hey guys it's me! Sorry this took so long but it's a really really long chapter. There are a couple of things I want to address first. 1. Thanks to my best friend who provided me with the many insults in this chapter. 2. Please comment your theories, opinions or anything really. I really miss reading them. They make my day just to see them and I'm letting you know that I DON'T find them annoying so please come interact with me in the comments. And FINALLY, we are coming to the end of case two and as I discovered this I realized that the rest of case two is going to be really fucking sad so heads up. Not to mention the killer reveal is soon at hand. So enjoy being one step closer to the truth. - Mandy

Phoenix's POV

The courtroom returned to normal. "In my opinion, as long as these facts remain a mystery we cannot vote." I said. "Well then present the explanation." Maya said. "Wait- huh?" I was left dumbfounded. "Don't you remember? You said you knew what the murder weapon was, and Athena's alibi." Maya reminded me. I started sweating. 'How am I going to bluff my way out of this one?' I thought, I put my hand to my chin, thinking of a solution.

"Oh and don't forget the most important part." Maya started, I looked at her confused. "You did say you knew where the real crime took place so hurry up and explain." She demanded. "Well that is-" I didn't know what to say. "Wait, what do you mean by the crime scene change? The crime scene has always been the gym and it should still be." I tried to bluff.

"Fine, even if you didn't say it, someone else clearly did." She smirked. My eyes went wide. "I seem to remember Klavier mentioning that the real crime scene hasn't been revealed just yet." She told us. 'But that can't be right.' I thought to myself. 'How could he know about the gym being a diversion?!' I asked myself.

"Look I'm not Klavier so I can't say for sure but it was probably a mess up. The gym is the only place she could have been killed." I lied. 'I can't lose my ace up my sleeves, if that were to happen then we'd never catch the killer.' I thought to myself.

"And my duel got interrupted for this hmpt." Magmakuma was mumbling under his breath and pouting . "Hey! You oversized funko pop shut your mouth the adults are talking." Godot said. Magmakuma was just getting angrier, as he grumbled and mumbled under his breath. "You'll get your duel, Magmakuma. In fact, I have a proposition for you." Maya claimed.

"A proposition?" Magmakuma repeated. "Yeah, think of it as a sort of deal. I want to go head to head with someone so that this trial can finally come to an end." Maya declared. "Well that's great! Shall we get started?" He was getting eager and pulled the gold key out once again.


Everyone looked to Godot who had just shouted. "She wasn't finished talking." He said. Maya nodded at him as a sort of thanks and she continued. "There is a price that comes with it." She said simply. "Name your price?" Magmakuma grinned mischievously. "First I have to tell you who I want to duel with." Magmakuma nodded. "Yes, that does seem logical."

It was quiet for a moment as Maya's gaze hit everyone. Suddenly she stopped. "The duel will be between Phoenix and I. I need to show him the truth so that he can understand." I nodded. "I accept your challenge." Miles' eyes went wide. "What are you-" I cut him off and shook my head. He didn't say anything else.

"And the price?" Magmakuma asked again. "If I win then we go straight to the vote and we vote Athena as the killer, no questions asked." Maya said, she sounded so lifeless, as if all of her happiness was taken away from her. "Splendid! But what happens if you don't win?" He asked her.

"If Phoenix wins ..... Then you have to give him a list of who has who's motive letter AFTER you switched them up. That seem fair to you?" She asked him, he took a moment to think it over and the entire courtroom was silent.

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