The Siege of DC

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An explosion rocked the bunker, shaking Katana awake. She blinked numerous times and pushed herself up, in front of her a young private stood. "Hey Sergeant, you wanted me to wake you up when we're moving."

She nodded, "Thanks Ramirez." She swung off of her cot, grabbing her M4 and vest sliding the pair on. Ever since the Task Force went dark after attacking the Gulag, General Shepherd kept Katana back, assigning her to the Ranger unit Hunter 2-1. She grabbed her helmet and snapped it on as she moved through the command post.

"Ya know, it's rumored Shepherd has his unit here."

"I can believe it bro." An explosion shook the command post again as everyone ducked slightly. "I heard they're over by either Capitol Hill or Lincoln Memorial."

"Nah, I bet my money on the White House."

A nearby radio crackled, "Goliath, Goliath, this is Stalker Two-One. Standby for report 1-3, over."

"Line Whiskey: 40 personnel, Line X-Ray: 3 columns of mechanized infantry, break. Line Yankee: 20 Bravo Tango Romeos 525639. Line Zulu:, break. Line Alpha: 1915 Zulu. Line Echo: AK-47s and RPGs. How copy so far over?"

"Yeah, say again Line Yankee. Over."

"Roger, I say again, Line Yankee. Line Yankee: 20 Bravo Tango Romeos 525639. How copy?"

"Solid copy. Do you have any more marks? Over."

"Negative, no further marks at this time, over."

"Roger, solid copy on all. Stalker, do not engage unless compromised and continue to report every ten mikes on enemy disposition. We need all the intel we can get on any grid north of the White House. Goliath out."

The pair continued their conversation as Katana continued to eavesdrop. "Do you think the President got out?"

"Probably, who knows?"

Another explosion rocked the bunker as she shook her head and continued to move through the bunker, this time more screams for help were heard. Katana whipped her head around and moved into the next room where she witnessed a corporal setting down his sergeant who was bloodied everywhere, with a large wound in his abdomen. The sergeant grabbed onto him and grunted as the corporal leaned in, "I got you! You're going to be okay!"

The corporal frantically looked around, "Hey!" He virtually screamed, attempting to get a hold of the medics. The sergeant continued to thrash around, his grip tightening and loosening on the man's sleeve. He screamed again, "Get over here and help me!" The sergeant yelled in agony as he continued to grip the sleeve as the corporal put pressure down on the gunshot wound, "Hang in there, you're going to be alright!" He turned his head to the close footsteps, which was a private checking on the other wounded, "Help me out over here!"

The entire room echoed with groans as at least fifteen wounded were in the main area. Katana pushed her way around as she followed Ramirez through the bunker. The kid was silent but good natured and an excellent shot. It had been three weeks since the invasion of the US had begun, three weeks since the folding of events went in a very peculiar order. Arrow or Austin as she came to know him by, was assigned to a secret unit. She knew this would replace the orders of Captain MacTavish but the group didn't treat him entirely too well. However the pair stayed in much frequent contact, closer than anyone else she had been around with. It was soothing and unexpected and her heart began to flutter when she saw a notification from him but the last message was a day before the Battle of DC really began to heat up. She knew he would be in DC, just didn't know where. Finally the order was given that she would not rejoin the team yet but would remain and fight in DC. Snow and Angel were detached, however only Angel reached the rally spot, Snow was MIA.

Ramirez moved up to a soldier who was sitting back against the wall with his knees propped up as another soldier moved up to him throwing his weapon. The sergeant in charge was pushing against his comtacs as a transmission came through, "Ensure all weapons are Condition One and get topside to provide support. Casevac birds are taking heavy fire."

"On your feet, we're Oscar Mike." All along the entrance, a squad of Rangers including Angel and Katana gathered their gear.

Sergeant Foley turned to his squad as they pushed up the stairs, "Roger, Two-One Actual out. Listen up! This evac site is getting hit hard and we need to buy 'em some time! Hooah?"

Everyone shouted in unison, excluding the females, "Hooah!"

Above the squad flew a flight of two AH-64 Apaches entering the battlefield to provide much needed support elsewhere.

"All callsigns, the LZ is under heavy fire. Uncover enemy positions and engage any potential targets." The transmission crackled from the overall Command element.

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