Chapter One

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Arya's POV

I was sitting at the back of the classroom with Lessie, my only best friend. It was our graduation tomorrow, so this was the last day for us, and for everyone else. "Come on..." I muttered under my breath as I stared at the clock that was ticking. Then, the bell rang which made everyone including me, cheer and got up from the desks. "Have a nice rest of your day, guys. See you back again tomorrow for graduation." the maths teacher announced. Me and Lessie both began to follow everyone out of the door, until I saw a pale black haired woman staring at us. She wasn't from our class, but she looked like she belonged here. 

But then, she wasn't there anymore. 

"That was weird." I told Lessie, "Yeah, that was pretty freaky. Let's go and get some lunch. I'm starving." she told me back. We grabbed each other's hands and started to run towards the exit once we were out of the classroom. A few minutes later, we were walking together on the street.

"So, what are we going to do tomorrow after the graduation?" Lessie asked me. We've been best friends for years, and she loved to follow me around everywhere. I didn't mind at all. "I don't know. Maybe go to a party or hang out at the bar and drink some pink lemonade." I replied, "That sounds nice. Am I invited?" she asked me with a smile, "Obviously. You are my only best friend and I love you." I told her. 

"I love you too." she told me back. Love had a different meaning for me and Lessie, we tell it to each other in a friendship way, not in a romantic way because who needed it? Not us. "Yay, we are here!" Lessie cheered excitedly, entering the café. We were regular customers, so we both got given a discount card from the owner. 

We sat down at our favourite table which was by the window. "I am a little bit worried about that woman." I said, "Yeah, same here. She looked like she was ill. Did you see how pale she was?" Lessie asked me as she let down her light brown hair, putting her blue hair tie in her trouser pocket. She was a bit of a tom-boy. "If she does the same thing again, I will call the police and get her taken away." I assured her, watching her nod as a reply before the waitress came to our table and placed down the tray with our order on it. 

"Enjoy your meal, girls." she told us, before she continued her shift. I grabbed my pink lemonade and drank a bit of it, then placed it down on the table and picked up the piece of chocolate cake, taking a bite out of it.

Who the fuck was she?

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