Chapter Three

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Arya's POV

I groaned as I began to wake up, opening my eyes to see that I was in Edna's house. "I tried to run, but she caught me in a less of a second. She was so fast." I heard Lessie say, which made me sit up on the bed and went over to her. She got bit too. "Come on, we are getting out of here. This isn't a sleepover, it's a joke." I told her, grabbing her hands and pulled her up so that she was on her feet. I gave her a quick hug, before I wrapped my arm around her waist to help her walk as she was a little bit dizzy. And so was I. 

But when we were just about to reach the door, Edna got in our way by opening the door and stood in the door-way. "The dizziness will wear off, but for now, you will be staying with me." she told us. "Hell no." I said, "You knocked us out with your awful teeth." 

"Awful teeth? I love my teeth." Edna told me before her eyes changed into a dark shade of red. "Now, who will be my lovely subject?" she asked us, stepping into the room. "Not us." Lessie replied, "That was a trick question, Lessie." Edna told her. The dizziness then wore off, which made me move my arm so I could grab Lessie's hand and started to run with her out of the room. Bloody hell, this wasn't a house! It was a MANSION!!

"You can run, but you can't hide from me. I am the hide and seek master." Edna said with a small chuckle, as we were racing down the stairs but Edna had other ideas as she pounced on Lessie from above. I screamed, grabbing onto Edna and tried to push her away but she was too strong. "Save yourself, Arya. I love you..." Lessie told me, before I watched her give up just like that. This was a had to be...

I watched Edna lean her head down and sank her teeth into Lessie again, but this time, I spotted fangs. Holy shit, she was a vampire...

I ran down the rest of the stairs and tried to escape from the mad house, but the exit was locked. Great. Just like a horror movie. I turned my head to look at Edna and my poor best friend, until I watched Edna bite into her own wrist and offered it to Lessie...

I didn't know why I was watching them, I was frozen on the spot. Lessie then sat up and licked her lips, her now red eyes looking at Edna. She stared at her for a couple of minutes, before Edna leaned forward and just when they were about to kiss, I ran. 

No way in way...

There was no fucking way that just happened.

Edna turned Lessie.

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