Chapter Fourteen

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Arya's POV

It has been a couple of days since the last blood moon, and I was beginning to worry just a little about how long the next one would be. I was sitting with Lessie on the bed, since it's the most comfortable spot to be when having a nice conversation. "I'm happy that we are girlfriends." Lessie told me, "Same here. It still feels like we are best friends though." I told her back. She chuckled, pressing a kiss against my neck. She had me in her arms, so I was resting against her. "That feeling will go away." she said, before I let out a small sigh. "What's up?" she asked me, "Ever since you became a vampire, your personality and everything about you have changed. You are not your old self anymore. You became something new entirely." I replied. 

"That's what vampirism does. It changes you." Edna chimed in, causing me to look up. "Is that what the venom is called?" I asked her, she nodded. Then, she walked over to us and climbed onto the bed, sitting in front of me. She pressed a kiss on my neck as well. Shit. They were hungry. "Are you scared of us, still?" Edna asked me, "No. I just don't want you to accidentally kill me." I replied, telling her the truth. "Babe, we love you. This won't hurt at all." Lessie reassured me. I watched Edna lean forward and moved some of my hair out of the way gently, placing her cold hands on my sides as she kissed my neck again before sinking her fangs into me. I arched my back, before Lessie joined her. I let out a tiny moan mixed with a groan, before the tingly feelings kicked in gear. 

A few seconds later, they pulled away at the same time. "You okay? How did it feel?" Edna was the first to ask, placing her cold hand against my warm cheek. "The blood moon is coming, isn't it?" I replied, questioning her since she was the oldest vampire in this room. "Would you freak out if I tell you that it is coming back soon?" she asked me. I shook my head as I was better with it now. But, it was exhausting. Maybe I could hide from them when the time actually comes...

"How soon?" I asked her.

"How about we keep it as a surprise?" Edna responded.

Shit, I forgot they could read my mind. "Or should we make a deal now?" she asked me, giving me a choice.

"What's the deal?" 

"If you manage to resist us, we will leave you be. But, if you don't manage to resist us...well, you know." she said with a small chuckle. 

I looked up at Lessie, biting my lip. "Can I look after Lessie during it?" I asked her a stupid question.

"I'll look after YOU. You don't need to look after me." Lessie told me. 

Okay...well, I might be very much screwed. Two extremely attractive vampires versus me?

Yeah, they would win. 

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