Chapter 30 - Just A Week Away

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sorry I was out for a while because I've been really busy with my job :D sorry for making you wait.  I hope it's worth it


Gerald was left frozen upon hearing Cristine’s revelations.


He started to speak up.

Suddenly Cristine hugged him.

“What the!?”

He was surprised at what she did.

“Shhhhh… someone’s taking a picture of us. I’ll explain later. Hug me back you dimwit.”

Although confused, he followed her lead and hugged her as well.


*message sending*

“Spotted: Cristine and Gerald hugging each other inside the premises of their Alma Mater.

I wonder how Sarah would feel when she discovers that the “suspected” father of her child is now dating someone else.

Was it just a few months ago when Rayver dumped her for the same girl?

Watch your back, S… Cristine seems to enjoy your leftovers.


Rumor has it!”


“You’re the admin of rumor has it?”

Sarah looked at the man with horror.

She wants to slap him hard but her hands and feet were tied together in a bed.

The man just chuckled, turned off the monitor and faced her.

“You nerdy freak, you think you can get away with this? Wait ‘till I get out of here. You’ll get served.”

Sarah shouted.

John Lloyd went to her and brought his face closer

“What Lloydie wants, Lloydie gets.”

He whispered and kissed Sarah’s forehead.

“I’ll be the prince.. You’ll be the princess.. We’ll be together..forever.”

 Sarah didn’t answer back. All she has in mind is what she saw on the picture – Gerald and Cristine hugging each other.

She curled herself in the bed where she was tied and cried.

John Lloyd, on the other hand smiled at Sarah and reminisced those days when Sarah became his.


“First honor for our first grading is…”

Sarah’s fingers are crossed. She did her best this term; she is really expectant to finally bag the first honor. She has to because it’s her last year in high school.

“Cruz, John Lloyd with an average score of 92.3%”

Everyone inside the room clapped and the nerdy boy stood up to get the certificate in front.

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