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Did you miss me!

I apologise for that, bad joke.

Anyway I'm back maybe? Basically I remembered this account and story existed and i read the last chapter I posted and realised it wasn't as bad as I thought it was.

I left this story where I did because my life went to hell in 2020 and I tried so hard to continue writing this because I loved it and I loved the community it created. My life went to pot, my partner of nearly 3 years broke up with me, lockdown destroyed my mental health and my ability to concentrate, I completely changed my life plans like 3 months before i finished college because my grades got destroyed by the lockdown. Basically this became a burden instead of something I enjoyed doing.

But I'm back maybe, I cannot promise anything but I took a gap year so I have zero schooling until September and I only have a weekend job so I have a lot of free time I can dedicate to this story. It might take a while as I have to re-read the whole thing and figure out where I was heading with this whole thing but I am very excited to do so.

Not going to lie I'm surprised I was getting comments in 2021 but I appreciate anyone who still read this despite it not being updated since 2020.

Thank you all.


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