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John began to drift to sleep, however the reality of the situation remained a predicament. John could not move Sherlock to his own room, the man was too tall, but John felt horrible leaving him on the sofa. Waking Sherlock was not an option, this is the first time John had seen the detective sleep and he was not ruining this moment. So, John moved Sherlock's head off of his lap, replacing it with a pillow and began to search for a blanket of some kind. After a few minutes of searching John had found something that would work in keeping the detective warm. Proud of his accomplishment the doctor went to bed himself.

John came down the next morning to see Sherlock back to his usual self, tearing the apartment apart to ease his boredom. He had to make his presence known to the detective, like most mornings. However this time Sherlock barely acknowledged John, which despite his antisocial behaviour was a strange occurrence. Ignoring the unusual behaviour, John begins to make himself some breakfast before sitting down to write a blog entry detailing the events of the prior day.

Sherlock still couldn't settle his mind around the topic of Moriarty. Since that case that's all that has been on his mind, he knows John's noticed something is wrong and he wants to tell him but he doesn't know how. That's when his phone began to go off. Messages from an unknown number began to trickle in, interrupting Sherlock's thinking even more.

- "Did you enjoy the little game I set up for you? JM" -

- "I thought it was rather thrilling, didn't you? JM" -

He tried turning his phone on silent, but they were still there. Tormenting him. So he keep his phone on loud so at least he could keep track of how many were coming through, so he had some sort of control over this situation.

"Sherlock, who the bloody hell wants to talk to you so much?"

"It's no one John, spam."

The constant beeping of Sherlock's phone was really starting to get on John's nerves now. He just wants to finish this blog post and recalling the events was hard enough without Sherlock's phone constantly going off.

"What kind of spam is that?"
With a wave of his hand Sherlock replied, "Persistent spam."

John knew that's the only answer he was going to get and in defeat closes his laptop, leaving the blog post for another day.

"So, Moriarty. Know anything?" John asks.

"Nope, probably just some criminal. Doubt he's a threat larger than most."

-"I'm disappointed you think so lowly of me. JM"-

This shook Sherlock, previously the messages had just been taunting him, trying to get into his head. But this, this show he's at least listening.

"You don't know anything about him them?"
Sherlock can tell John's trying to help calm his nerves, he's smarter than Sherlock gives him credit for.

"Nope not a thing."
-"Come on Sherl, I'm spilling my life story to you here and you're not even going to tell your pet. JM"-

- "If you're not going to treat him right Sherl, I might just take him for myself. JM"-

Now John was in danger. Sherlock may not know who this Moriarty is but he can tell he's dangerous and invested in torturing Sherlock.

"Why don't you ask Mycroft, surely he knows something."
"I can't go to my brother, if I do he'll take this rather exciting case from me. And I'm bored."
With a sigh of defeat John decides not to press the matter further.

- "Why don't you go to big brother Mycroft. I mean he can't help you now but make sure to say hi from me. JM"-

At this Sherlock threw his phone against the wall, smashing it. He knew it wouldn't stop Moriarty for long, he'd probably contact John now. But it would give him some peace and quiet for now.

"What the hell was that for Sherlock?"

"Spam," and with that he stormed off to his room.

Once Sherlock regained his composure, he made his back to the living room to find John working on his blog again. He needed a new case, but he just smashed his only access to one.

"Can I borrow your phone?"

"Sure," John handed Sherlock his phone. His emails came up empty, his site came up empty. No one in London needed his help. This was boring. Then John's phone received a message, however being on silent so the doctor could concentrate John didn't realise.

- "Well that wasn't very nice Sherl. We were just getting to know each other and I was just admiring the pet you keep around. JM"-

Sherlock knew he couldn't smash John's phone, so he just ignored the message.

- "You can't keep ignoring me Sherlock. I always find a way. JM" -

Sherlock deleted the messages, handed John his phone back and once again went to sulk in his room. However this time he noticed a note by his bed.

You're going to learn to enjoy this little game of ours Sherlock. Don't worry I'll make sure it's just as fun for Johnny boy as well. You don't need to worry about him feeling left out. JM 


Ahh I vanished again, I'm sorryyy. Also I shall apologise for the fact this was crap. I really struggled and I don't know why. But it's up. It's not the best but it's still soemthing so I hope you still enjoyed it. I've been binging some new youtube channels I've found and we recently got a switch and animal crossing so you can also blame that for that fact I haven't uploaded in so long.


You Left A Mark - A Johnlock Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now