Chapter 3

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"Bro, I don't think it's a good idea to carry on with your plan and besides, the police found the murderer right beside your..." My best friend Caleb stops when to look at me and I clenched my teeth.
"I don't care. All I know is that the criminal is out there thinking she's off the hook and I have to make her pay!" I grit my teeth in anguish and Caleb heaves a sigh.
"Is that her?" He asked looking at her picture on the laptop with his eyebrow raised.
"You can't be serious, are you? He asked with disbelief and I stare daggers at her picture. "I don't think she has the killing genes in her. Just look at her, if you believe she's guilty just let the police investigate or you can hire a private investigator because you're not the right person to avenge." He sternly said and I raised an eyebrow making him roll his eyes.

"C'mon bro, I bet you've thought about the chances of this 'revenge' thing turning into romance." He air quoted and I huff.
"Don't, you know it's true and haven't you being watching movies and reading stories, when was the last time a man succeeded with his plans to get revenge and don't believe in yourself especially when it's a woman." He warns and I stare at her picture.
"Yeah, she's innocent but the devil himself." I spat and he groans.
"You ain't listening. I think you're making a big mistake and will probably regret it for the rest of your life. You're a successful lawyer concentrate on your law firm." He said and I continue to stare at her picture with hatred.

"What if I believe mum when she told me she's the killer?" I retort and he scoffs. "And that's the more reason I believe you should forget about this. When was the last time she truly told you she loves you and why didn't she report it to the police?" Caleb states and I run a hand through my hair.

"I don't think she'll be happy when she found out that you're the reason for her misfortunes. Damn you're turning into a psycho. You've been studying her for like three freaking years." He said in frustration and I smirk.
"What are you thinking?" He asked with a bored tone and my smirk grew wider.
"Whatever you're thinking, stop thinking it!" He warns and I groaned again when he looks into my eyes.
"I'm finally going to see her." I announce and he gasps. "What!"
"Take care of the firm for me." I pat his back and he shook his head. "I just wish you'd see how crazy you're right now, leaving your work to do something stupid. I hope she forgives you when she found out and you don't regret it. Better yet I hope you become the first man who doesn't fall." He warns and I made my way to the door but he stopped me.

"So what are you gonna do with her?" He asked and I look into his eyes. "It's simple, I'll make her fall for me, get married, make her confess her crimes and suffer her fate." I explain and he was stunned.
"Nathan, I've seen this story before and it's not simple and right now I am even questioning how you've been ranked to be one of the best lawyers." He said shaking his head and I stop to think.
"I do know you're smart and intelligent man but please think about this, this revenge is consuming you and you're throwing everything away for a very stupid idea." He desperately said and I open my mouth to say something but his words hurt like a bitch.
"I know your dad will be disappointed." He said in a low tone and I look down.
"Okay bye." I mumble and damn him, why should he bring my dad into this.
"Nat, I know I can't stop you but just let the police do their job and be the lawyer making sure justice is served and do you have a freaking idea what goes into convincing a girl to marry you, you fall on your knee just to ask her. Please think about this." He throws his hands in exasperation and I run my hand over my face.
"I have thought about it Caleb." I said and his eyes plead with me but I smile and walk away.


I arrived at her town and was resting in my hotel room trying to get rid of Caleb's advice. "What if I'm wrong?" I asked myself and never in my life have I asked that question.
"And what if you're right?" My rebellious mind retorts and my phone buzzes and I know there's no turning back.
I know where she is going and I am going to create a new fate for us. I wanted to rest but then again I know I have to act fast and make her confess her crimes.
Even Caleb can't deny that the evidence points at her.
I sat in my car waiting for her to come and I curse beneath my breath when I forgot that she has a car. I hit the steering wheel throwing insults at myself but out of the blue her car stops and I watch her get down.

"Now this is fate." I smirk and my chest tightens when I saw her for real, she's beautiful and very pissed.
"Wrong start dude, get a grip or just quit!" My inner voice snaps making me groan.
I move closer and she was oblivious of me watching her and I wanted to look away but I couldn't.
She was about to fall and I pull her close to fill my nostrils with her intoxicating perfume, my hands holding her small waist and her skin burns my hands.
I don't know why I couldn't move and wanted to stay that way for a while and what the hell am I holding my breath and getting a little nervous?
"Are you alright?" I asked and beautiful eyes were staring me making it hard to breath and that is not a good sign.
I have seen her pictures over the years so I should be immune to her innocent charm but it is different in reality.
I know that look, I make her speechless but it was short-lived as I think something about me pissed her off and I realized I don't know what to say anymore.

I have been in front of big crowds and important people like judges and never did I get nervous, never did my brain leaves me blank and never did I forget what I planned to say but just being in front of this murderer somehow makes me nervous.

I lay in bed in the hotel room mentally cursing myself for messing this up and I inwardly groan anytime I see the way she looked at me like she would give anything not to see me again. I blame Caleb for filling my head with nonsense.
I close my eyes to rest but then it is her face I see instead of the darkness.
I groan hitting the bed with my fist and I am angry at her for making me speechless. "She managed to get away again." I murmur to myself only to make my blood boil and I shook my head.
"This is not over." I said taking my jacket and went out to clear my mind but I ended up stalking her. I was watching her apartment across the street.
"You're going to miss me Faith." I smirk as I watch her light goes off before making my way back to the hotel.

It has been two weeks and what was I possibly thinking, that she will organize a search party to look for me because I am her knight in shining armor? It seems I am the one dying to see her again.
It's Val's Day and I know she's not dating anyone as that has been taking care of and I even bought her a rose.
I texted her but she ignored me. I called and after saying it's a wrong line, she freaking blocked my number. I drove to her place after I used a different like to call her but it was busy.
I park my car outside and I smile as her lights were on.
I rang the doorbell and every second was like eternity and pure torture.
"Open the damn door Faith Springs!" I grit my teeth and the door finally opens and she was in her pajama which was a good thing and her eyes widen as she looks at me with her phone in her hand.
"Happy Val's Day bae." I smile and bam, she slammed the door in my face.


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