Chapter 5

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"In case you didn't know, this announcement could have been said through the phone. It has been a very bad day for me and my car broke down and the traffic was unbearable. No I am the one who is sorry." I stated clenching my teeth not to break down and I passed by him to sit on my swivel chair and closed my eyes.
"Here." Violet offered a box of tissues and I weakly smile at her as the tears roll down my cheeks.
"I'm okay right? These tears mean it's time to clean my eyes." I said as I tried to convince her and myself and she nods.
"You're better than okay Faith, this is just another bad day. Mrs. Hayford needs you right now and I guess you don't need to write something much, inspire her with what you're going through and the faith you have that tomorrow will be better." Violet said with much passion and tenderness in her eyes and I smile.
"Were you trying to be a mechanic or..." She chuckles as she wipes my cheek with a tissue. "It is good that we found what our purposes on this earth are even if it took a long but one thing I know is that we can make it if we don't give up." She said leaning on the desk and took my hand in hers.

"Let the dark hours come Faith and there's nothing we can do about it but this means time is moving which means change is on the way." She sweetly said as she continues to wipe something from my face. "You just know what to say Vi and you're just what this broken company needs, you can fix it." I said and she rolls her eyes.
"We're exactly what this company needs and we're going to work it out." She said and I nod.
"C'mon clean yourself up and I will drive you to the hospital." She stated and I smile.
Violet and I met in college and after school our dreams emerged and now we're partners in our own company with few employees not much of a dream company but we're working on it and we have been best of friends ever since.
I sat in her car and she glances at me with a smile before driving.

"I packed some fruits and flowers for her and please use your charm to make her eat and don't worry Faith you can do this."she confidently said and all I wanted to do was to tell that I have no clue of what I am doing but I smile knowing that is what she wants to see on my face.
"I'm very lucky to have you in my life Vi." I told her and she playfully flips her hair to the other side and her eyes glimmer with happiness.
"I know right." She replies and I grin. "We're here." She announces and I deeply sigh.
"Wish me luck Vi." I said and she shook her head. "You're Faith, you don't need luck." She said her kind eyes and words reviving my broken soul. "I love you." I said.
"I love you more." She winks and blows me a kiss which I caught it and put it in my heart. "Text me when you're done and I will come pick you up." She said and I shook my head.
"I'll be fine." I told her and she nods. "Bye." She waves at me and I wave back before going in.

I went to the receptionist and she smiles at me. "Can I help you Miss?" She asked and I smile.
"Please, I want the room of Mrs. Georgia Hayford's son." I said and she nods typing something on her computer.
"That won't be necessary dear." A voice spoke behind me and the receptionist looks up and smiles at Mrs. Hayford.
"Faith, I'm glad you'd make it." She said hugging me and her eyes shimmer with fresh tears when we pull away.
"Thanks, I'll take it from here." She told the receptionist and puts her hand on my waist as she directed me to one of the rooms.
"Sit down dear and how are you and the family?" She asked as she puts the flowers in the vase looking at me over the shoulder.
"They are great by His grace." I reply and she nods. "That's good to hear and by the way thanks for the gifts. I love them." She said eyes gratefully looking at me and I smile.
I look around and saw her son on the bed with machines and infusions.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm done with it." I said giving the sheet to her and she smiles.
"Dear can you read it to me? I want it to be like it is God who is talking to me because I can't hear him well with all these thoughts running through my head." She sniffs and a tear rolled down her cheek.

I clear my throat.

"We say trial should be far from our lives but as Christians how can we ever see the promises that He made that He's going to be with us even in fire and scary storms. If we want a perfect life without troubles then, what is the point of having faith?" I pause and stare with concern as the tears on her cheeks were getting worse.
"Don't stop dear." She told me managing a smile and I nod.
"The best kind of a true friend is not the one who promises that no harm will fall on us but the one who will stand with us through the storms and we're lucky with this kind of a friend because He never leaves even though we do and never have we found in history that He has failed the people who put their trust in Him, even in death we have the assurance that we will be with him and wherever He is we know we are safe with him.
It's even amazing how after trials there's a reward for our tears, we become stronger, rely on Him more and even gain a true friend only few are lucky to have." I stop as she hugs herself tight and I blink my tears away.

"It is true that the outcome may not be what we dreams of and someone told me a person's life with Christ Jesus is personal but we know that at the end we'll find new hope. The word FAITH is made of these words:
F is the faithfulness of God.
A is the assurance we've in the faithfulness of God.
I is the impossibility that stands in the middle of our faith to scare us.
T is the trust we've in God and the trust He has in us that we can survive this trials.
H is the heart that makes all these possible."

I was done and I felt my own tears begging to come out and she hugs me tight as if she knew I needed it. I hug her long enough as she sobs. "Did it help?" I nervously asked and she chuckles.
"Such a talent shouldn't be so unsure of herself. You're truly an Angel and God bless you dear. Thank you so much for this." She hugs me again and God knows I needed a hug right now.
She pulls away and holds my hand and we were standing beside her son and the only thing assuring me that he's alive is the beeping of the machine. "This is my son, Clive and I trust God with His plans." She said with much confidence I wished I had right now.

I stay with her a bit longer than expected and forced her to eat. I watch her sleep and after covering her with the blanket I went out and smile at the nurse Lydia as I met her at the corridor.
"She's sleeping now." I told her and she nods. "Do come and visit more, she needs it and thank you." She kindly said and I smile.
I sat in the taxi and I know I was getting emotional and I wanted to cry badly and it started raining. "Lord, please can you fix my life right now. I really need help." I silently pray and I walk in the rain after I told the driver to stop.

It was just a few blocks from my apartment. It wasn't the best idea to think in the rain and even the driver looked at me like I lost my mind.
Maybe today has been emotional and I feel like my problems are drowning me. I desperately wanted to feel important like I am needed and that is one of the reasons I told my parents I will care for Shirley in terms of her finances and Cher decided to share that responsibility with me and it is my turn now and I can't ask Cher to do it, she will kindly overdo it.
It is not pride but me feeling useless if I can't do this for my family.

Now there have been voices mocking me of how confident I sounded when I told my parents Cher and I will take care of Shirley and that made me happy but now I am second guessing if I should put for sale on my forehead and maybe God will look at my request for help.
I am currently a walking disaster. I was pulled and collide with a hard body with that unique scent I remember so well.

"Everything is going to be alright babe." He whispers to my ear and I broke down.

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