Chapter 7

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It has been a year and three months now when he came to me that awful time to tell me he likes me. Well I chose sleep first and I had a very bad headache in the morning and very pissed.

Saying I like you Faith didn't just pave way for us to start dating and not because I was playing hard to get but have you seen the guy?
He's mysterious and just popped into my life without warning and for the truth to be told, all I want to do is focus on my work and be independent before thinking of dating.

It took three months and I thought he will give up but he stayed and he has been a good friend for the start and no matter how I tell myself that I don't want to fall for him which I guess I am too late to say that but to tell him and make it official, I was afraid to give myself that chance again.
But then again this is the type of guy you don't wanna see him roaming around the world and you can't point at him that he is yours and we just celebrate one year anniversary last week.

"But he's too mysterious Faith." Violet said. "No offense though, but it seems he has a hidden motive." She said and I wish she'd tell me more. "Like what Vi?" I desperately asked trying to find a clue to help me.
"That's a mystery. But darling, that's why you guys are dating and you're super blessed to be a girl, finding something out is in our DNA. It's a gift use it." She winks and I chuckle.
"Maybe it is not that bad he's not a lying bastard and definitely not a cheater so I guess there's nothing to be afraid of." She said with so much pain her hands forming fists and I hold her hands in mine and she sadly smiles.

"I know you Faith, you're scared that you'll mess this up and trust me dear, I have seen how you're with him and it will be his loss if he let you go." Vi said and I smile.
"You always have way with words Vi." I told her and she playfully rolls her eyes.
"You won't see it but Nathan knows it is true." She said. "And besides he's taking you to the charity ball hosted by that jerk." She grimaced and I smirk. "Are you talking about Liam? You guys are cute though." I said and laugh as her jaw dropped.
It was the most exclusive function in the town and because of Violet I never missed that.

I was ready, wearing my black straight dress a few inches above my knees. It hugs my waist so well and the projection from the waist covers my chest. I apply my red lipstick and I smile at the mirror. I picked my bag and went downstairs and smile when the doorbell rang.
I open the door and gasp. "Wow."
"I can see that I'm looking pleasant in the eyes of my queen." He smirks and I move closer to kiss him on the lips.
"C'mon baby, let's go." He stated and I tried to hide my disappointment.
"Can I ask you a question and I need you to be very honest with me." I said in a stern voice after locking the door and he nods. "Are you alright?" He asked as he cups my face and I blink back the tears and pull away.

"I'm fine." I lied and he obliviously nods. "So what is the question?" He asked checking his watch and I clenched my teeth.
"Am I that desperate to get attention from you? And if so I apologize because I don't do that." I calmly said and he frowns in confusion.
"Are you going somewhere with this?" He asked raising his eyebrow and I scoff before forcing a smile. "I just want you to know something about me and it's no news because I'm the one always talking and trying to make this relationship work but there's this part of me Nathan, she gets tired when she believes she's working hard for something that doesn't try and the moment she thinks enough is enough, she takes off the battery and watch the heart stops beating. Don't take advantage that I will always be there, I can disappoint and I hate to sit down and realized I was just being used." I explain, my heart aching as I spill every word out and it feels good to let it out and he was silent as always.

I passed by him. "Let's go." I said to him as he was rooted to the ground and I waited for him at his car. I felt him close and he pulls me closer burying his head in the crook of my neck, his hot breaths awakening my senses and my heart beating against my chest.
"I'm sorry if I let you think that way. I was just messing with you. You're beautiful." He kisses my neck and I pull away.
"We're getting late." I told him and his jaw clenched. "Can't you see I'm trying?" He grits his teeth and I narrow my eyes at him.
"Welcome to my world and how does that feels?" I smirk folding my arms as I glare at him and he got on one knee.

"I'm sorry." He apologized and I blink as for a minute I thought he was going to propose and I hold his hand and he stood up to kiss my forehead. "Let's go Nathan." I said and he opens the car door for me. No word was said during the ride and I guess we were lost in our thoughts.
We arrived at Royal Hall and people were outside and Nathan pulls me to his side after opening the door for me and I look around to get a glimpse of Violet.
I was engulfed in a bear hug and I laugh when Violet twirls me around. "You're the spotlight Faith." Violet sweet talked and I roll my eyes.
"Says the girl looking flawless in her red dress, you're the lady in red." I retort and she scoffs.

"You're breaking hearts here. Nathan don't let her out of your sight." Violet said and turns to Nathan who pulls me close.
"Babe, I'll be right back." Nathan said kissing my forehead and I smile.
"C'mon Faith, let's go it's about to start." Violet literally dragged me inside and we sat at our table. Nathan joined us and his hand covers mine and I smile.
Liam White stood in front of us and Violet looks at him totally annoyed and that is how you will know Liam is around.
Liam is a very handsome with a bad reputation for being a player and a heart breaker and you can't deny that he has a thing for Violet and he always wanna be around her.

And he has this attractive side of him, a beautiful soul behind the cocky grin and it is like magnet pulling you to know more about him and the more you do can be dangerous for your fragile heart and that is what Violet is trying not to feel.
Violet had a very bad childhood, her father definitely not a hero in her book and her mum passed on as a result of dwelling on her awful past with Violet's dad. Eyes couldn't hide that Liam is looking like a god in his tuxedo.
"I'm grateful to you all but it wouldn't be possible if the love of my life has not graced this function with her presence." He smirks towards our table and most of the crowds were amused and anticipating for one of Violet and Liam's drama episodes.
I smile at Violet as she was busily staring daggers at him and she gulps her champagne.

"Hey, slow down." I warn but she was focused on killing Liam with her glare.
"Violet Hills." He calls out her name and the crowd applause and she coughs probably choking on her champagne and I rub her back.
"I will strangle that jerk with my bare hands." She threatens, her head bowed as she coughs more and I clear my throat when Liam approach our table.
Liam holds her hand and she forced a smile. "I'm glad I still leave you speechless." Liam teases and Violet glares at him, her eyes watery and red from coughing.
I realized Nathan was not there and we all gasp when Liam got on his knee and Vi was startled.
"Oh boy, this is a new episode and unexpected ." I thought as I look at them forgetting I should go out and see if Nathan is alright.

"Will you marry me?" Liam popped out the question and Vi smirks. "No. Definitely no." She brightly smiles when the crowds gasp and she walks out. "That's the girl the heart wants though." Liam dreamily said as he watched her go and I went out to find Nathan.
I made my way through the crowds and pause to have small talk and even compliment on a dress or hairstyles of some folks whilst I tried to ignore some from prying.
This event doesn't take much time talking or has long listed activities. I smile when I saw Violet and Liam at the pool side bickering and I froze on my spot my smile wearing out when I saw Nathan...

....busily kissing a Greek goddess.

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