Chapter 15

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"Don't scare me like that." I scold glaring at him as I rub my chest and I saw the bruises and he actually smiled.
"What is happening to you?" I raised an eyebrow and his eyebrows knit together in confusion making me roll my eyes. "How much damage did my dad's fists do but I must tell you a lot are on their way." I said and he just nods.
"I don't mind because I deserve it." He admits as he stares at me with lonely eyes and I narrow my eyes at him.
"Quit the act because it's starting to irritate me!" I snap and he was quiet.
"I want a divorce Nathan." I announce and I saw his eyes widen but it was gone. "I won't allow it." He flatly stated and I huff rubbing my temple to distract myself.
"I'm not asking for your opinion. I am telling you what you're going to do." I sternly said.

"It has been six awful months of my entire life and do remind me to sign a Cheque for you for the unnecessary roof you provided for me." I told him and I raised my hand when he tried to move closer. "I have been patient but don't let me lose it." I grit my teeth and he raised his hand in surrender. "Can we talk about it? I made dinner for the two of us." He said and I look at the table and sat down before he'd move closer.
"Maybe dinner would do. Let's talk like mature people but I am warning you don't try too hard, it is like whispering to the dead." I whispered but loud enough for him to hear.
"Won't you eat, I cook your favorite." He stares sadly at me and I smirk.
"Is your heart breaking right now Nathan but lucky you, you got to see me in person wait till I slammed the door at your face and this time for good." I spat and he pours wine on my glass and I stared with a bored look.
"You think I'm going to drink it?" I scoff and I saw the hurt in his eyes.

"You don't think I'm going to poison you, do you?" He incredulously asked and I gave him the duh-look. "I can never hurt you." He softly said and I laugh taking him by surprise and I couldn't stop myself. "I can never hurt you." I mimic.
"You got me this time Nathan, but trust me you should preach your sermon somewhere because I won't be baptized." I fake a laugh and then sternly said.
"You've already poison my soul Nathan but what the heck can a poison do to me and even if it does I will finally find peace for my poor soul." I smirk raising the glass to my lips and he stops me.
"You actually tried to poison me." I gasp and then smile raising my glass to him and he took it from me and gulps all at once and I raised an eyebrow. "Oh is it the gesture that says you'll die for me?" I chuckle and took the bottle before smirking at him. "You saw the pictures and videos of me and that hot guy?" I asked and his jaw clenched.

"So typical Nathan." I shook my head. "I wish I could lie to you and say I did it to get your attention but that was me, the true me having fun." I smirk when his eyes turned cold and drink the wine.
"Cheers to six freaking months of being Mrs. Rocks and now to my freedom." I chuckle gulping more than needed in my mouth and he was stunned. "Mm, it taste like..." I rolled my tongue in my mouth staring at the ceiling as if waiting for a reply. "Alcohol." Nathan replies and I slowly blink. "Oh no, I have to be sober but what the heck if I die because of this poison but I will have my freedom and you can't hurt me anymore." I slurred and I shook my head as it was getting hard to stay focus.
I put my head on the table and everything feels weird. "You know my job sucks right and thanks to you I am the black sheep in my family. What did you do to me? It seems like ever since I met you I have this dark cloud over my head and you know what it does, it rains bad luck. You're so bad for me and I can see it now." I started talking and I swear I couldn't stop.

"And by the way I don't have a favorite food but I have favorites." I spat and tried to blink.
"Nathan Rocks you've done enough damage to my life and I just wished I never met you and can't stop imagining what my life would be with you out of the picture. Release me Nathan!" I yell slamming my hands on the table and I heard the glass shattering on the floor.
"Wow." I blink couple of times and I stumble back. "Faith you're drunk." He said moving closer to me and I pushed him back.
"So what Nathan!" I yell and I saw the broken glasses.
I picked the wine bottle and it was empty. "Look I was just as fragile and not innocent but I swear I wouldn't hurt a fly well literally but you did this to me." I said looking into his eyes and then dropped the wine bottle watching it break into pieces and he stumbles back.

"This is how you made me Nathan and no matter what you do I can't be fixed, I can only inflict pain." I nonchalantly shrug.
"C'mon you're drunk let me take..."
"No, I want answers before I die!" I snap and his eyes widen.
"Oops." I cover my lips with my hand and sat down. "Sit down Nathan and let's waste the night with me asking you questions. Who knows but I do know today is our last conversation." I said and I blink couple of times.
"Why did you waste your time with me? I know you don't like me but why go through the stress and marry me? What did I do to deserve your hatred? Is it because I slammed the door at your face? Well with that one you took your revenge and darn it, it hurts like hell." I laugh and he just stood there. "You won't answer..." I gasp when he carried me in his arms and I glare at him.

"Put me down you bastard!" I scream and wiggle to free myself but he was strong. "Just keep quiet." He said and my eyes widen when he pressed his lips on mine and gosh I miss this.
"No, I blame it on the alcohol and I should have listened to mama.
I am going to regret it in the morning.
I slowly open my eyes trying to adjust to the light and my eyes bulged out when I saw naked Nathan asleep beside me and I was definitely not in my room but his.
I peek under the blanket and last night came crashing back but all I remembered was us kissing but it was more than that, I slept with my almost ex husband.
"Argh!" I scream and pushed him from the bed making him fall.
"Wtf!" He curses as he stood up and my eyes went from their sockets and my heart drums wildly and I quickly look him in the eyes as they were the only decent thing to look and I shut my eyes.

"Get dressed!" I order and I heard him scoff. "You were not shy when we..."
"Shut up!" I snap covering my ears and I peek in between my fingers and closed them again. "You can open them now." He grumpily said and I slowly open my eyes and sigh.
" I swear Nathan if you put something in my wine, I will kill you and for goodness sake how could you be such a jerk? I was drunk you a-hole." I spat and I froze when I saw the cold dark eyes and they were pure hatred.
"Get out!" He howls and I felt my soul left me alone and I couldn't move. I was stuck. "What?" I murmur as I stare with glassy eyes and I gulp when he opens the door wide.
"You heard me, I want you out of my fucking life. I hate you Faith!" He yells and I decided to make him see the hurt in my eyes for the last time and I pull the blanket and stood in front of him and glare.

"I want you out of my life." He coldly spat and I slap him hard on the face and kick him in the groin and he knelt in front of me groaning.
"You just call me a whore and I won't ever forgive you Nathan!" I spat and slap him hard on the face again and run to my room and locked it.
I spent three weeks inside the room and only allow Joanna to come in and as if he has the balls to face me.
I wanted to run to my parents but then I remembered what I did and I feel dirty. For goodness sake it was my first freaking time and I feel sick and disgusting.
I spent hours in the bathroom trying to clean myself. I have been able to convince them that he is about to sign and even told Violet that I need time alone and didn't even answered the phone when Nick called.

I have been in bed cursing that night and me being so stupid to get drunk. All I want is to disappear and never be found again and I know my family will be better off without me.
I packed my things and called Caleb and he told me to wait.
I don't care about the divorce anymore, I want to just leave this house and staying here is driving me insane and I decided to talk to Caleb after putting my luggage in my car.
Joanna told me Caleb was in Nathan's study and I was about to knock but I noticed the door was slightly opened and it was like I was meant to wait and listen.

"She deserves to know the truth Nathan." Caleb said.

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