Chapter 6

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I hold him tight as I sob. "What are yo-you do-ing here? I stammer and quickly pulled away to wipe my tears.
"It doesn't matter. Tell me why are you crying?" He softly asked hand cupping my face and his eyes bore into my soul and I stare with glassy eyes.
"C'mon, let's get you inside." He stated pulling me to him and I share the umbrella he brought with him. I open the door inviting him in and I glare at him as he slumps himself on my couch and he winks at me. "Make yourself at home as a professional visitor and don't snoop around." I warn and he raised an eyebrow and he was back to Mr. Mysterious again. "Why, do you've a secret to hide?" He asked and I glare at him.
"As a matter of fact I do. Everybody has a secret." I answered with a shrug and he nods.
"I'll just change and come." I told him and he smirks. "Do you need help changing?" He mischievously grins and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"In your wildest dreams." I scoff and made my way to the bedroom and I puff out air I was holding in.

"How on earth were you crying and you didn't bother to look around first." I scold myself as I stood in front of the mirror and I removed my wet clothes and my heart hammers against my chest and I throw my naked body on the bed and covered it with a blanket when I heard a knock.
"What the hell do you want and don't you dare come in!" I warn my heart beating faster and he chuckles. "Chill out tigress and besides you've locked your door." He said and I glare at the door.
"If you've lost your way, find the stairs and stay at where I told you to stay." I retort and he didn't answer.
I made my way to the door and peek through the slightly opened door and I stare daggers at him. "What! I want to make coffee but I can't find it." He nonchalantly stated and I sigh. "I don't drink coffee." I told him and he frowns.

"But I just saw the coffee maker." He argues and I nod. "Yeah, I bought it for its beauty." I told him and he stares at me like I have just grown another head. "Women." He mutters beneath his breath and I glare at him.
"You know I used my own money right?"
"Then you should get some." He insists and my hold the door tight.
"This is my house and my rules and if you can't abide by it, make yourself to the door and gently close it when you're outside." I grit my teeth and slammed the door and locked it.
I went to shower and I wore pink hoodie and sweatpants and socks and went downstairs to find him on the couch sipping something in the cup and I went to the kitchen and brought my ice cream.

"Why do you girls eat sweets when sad?" He asked sipping his drink.
"Dessert are antidote for stressed, just spell  desserts backwards." I explain and he nods.
"So can you tell me why you were crying?" He asked and I gulped my ice cream and stare at him. "I can't believe I'm about to say this." I mutter underneath my breath and he grins and it was enchanting to watch him.
"My name is Faith Springs and I have two annoying sisters, Cheryl and Shirley and my parents live next town. I have trouble with men, first was my ex decoding from the fate realms that we're not meant to be and my sister's ex fiancé stood her up and I got emotional whenever I'd a bad day and besides crying helps clean my eyes." I explain and he was quiet.

"This year is treating me like I just..."
"...committed a crime." His tone held accusation and I look into his eyes for answers but it was blank. "Yeah, like I'm paying for a crime for shooting someone." I stated narrowing my eyes at him and he stiffens for a while and I had no idea what the hell is his problem and it is crystal clear he doesn't wanna talk about it.
"Don't take me for a fool your tone held accusation but whatever you're entitled to your opinion." I told him and he was quiet.
"I guess I was sad because I missed someone. He was always there for me like an angel." I sadly smile.
"And what happened to him, was he murdered?" He asked but there was something in his voice that made me froze.
"Um, I don't wanna talk about it." I stood up and went to the kitchen and he followed me.

"So we're friends right?" He asked as we stood outside and I shrug.
"Yeah I guess. You know my secret and I've to keep you around." I tease and he chuckles.
He kissed my forehead again before saying goodbye and I guess I need time of my own. I brush my teeth and it would be nice to think about his kiss but I have different agenda schedule for today.
I lay in bed hugging my pillow tight and I let it all out. My throat was tight and all I wanted was to scream but I couldn't and that made my whole body aches with emotional pains.
I lay on my back zooming out as I watch the ceiling and a few tears made their way to the sides of my eyes.

It felt like a dream that my doorbell was ringing and it was becoming clearer making me turn to look at the time and I gawk.
"What the..." I groan looking at the time and getting pissed at whoever is at the door.
"I'm going to have an attitude even if it is an angel of God bringing my answered prayers,well I won't but I won't smile either." I thought as I sat on the bed scratching my body and trying to stay awake.
I put on my morning robe and I dragged my feet downstairs and I loudly groan as the doorbell rings again causing me to jump. "I am coming." I grit my teeth as I open the door slowly and the cold wind made me shiver.

"Nathan!" I gasp before glaring at him. "It is 3 in the morning." I grit my teeth in annoyance and he gave me an apologetic smile.
"Hi Faith." He nervously said and I scratch my neck. "It better be an emergency or I swear I will be furious." I sternly said and he looks at me.
"This is how I am when I don't wake up by myself." I told him as he kept looking at me.
"Were you crying?" He asked and I close my eyes to calm myself praying that when I open them I will not have the zeal of knocking him down.
"You came all the way to ask if I was crying. Dude I was asleep." I spat and I turn to leave but he holds my hand making me look at him and he was kinda nervous.

"Hey are you alright?" I asked and he nods. "If so Nathan why don't we talk in the morning when I am calm and don't feel like punching you right now but only if there's nothing threatening your life of course." I said and he smiles.
" I have been thinking Faith..."
"At this time Nathan? That you couldn't stay in your room but have to come here and disturb my sleep? Why?" I rant and the cold makes me wanna slam the door in his face and go back to sleep.
"I was thinking about you." He quickly said and I frown. "And I was asleep Nathan. Asleep." I retort and his face turned serious.
"You could have told me in the morning."

"Faith, I like you." He confesses and I froze. "At this time Nathan and trust me I hate you." I said and slammed the door leaving him outside and went to sleep.

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