Chapter 16

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I decided to leave as it felt like forever trying to know more about what Caleb was talking about. "I slept with Jessica Caleb." Nathan said and I hold my breath.
"What the hell is wrong with you? If Faith finds out you're dead. She called me here and you know what it means." Caleb runs a hand through his hair and I felt the tears on my cheeks.
"You're complicating the whole situation and if she only knew what you've done and your motives, you can go to prison Nathan. I told you from the start that it will get ugly." Caleb scolds and Nathan was leaning on his desk.
"I can't let her go when I'm this close for her to confess her crimes." Nathan said in a rage and I frown.
"They are talking about me and a crime. Is someone using my body?" I thought and I froze at Caleb's words.

"Confess her crimes and then what? Send her to prison and you believe you can do that? You committed the biggest crime Nat, you stalked her for almost three years and you're behind all the turn downs at her work, you made it seem like you met her by fate and not forgetting you threatened her boyfriend to leave her and her sister's being stood up at the altar was your idea and meeting her for the first time was actually your plan. The marriage is a sham and you got the audacity to accuse her for killing your dad because your mother told you so. Now tell me who is the criminal is?" Caleb snaps startling me and I lean on the wall as my knees were weak suddenly and I couldn't wrap my brain with the confession Caleb made.
"She doesn't have to know." Nathan mutters and I open the door wide making their eyes widen. "Did I come at the right time director or there's going to be a cut." I bitterly chuckle and his jaw tightens.

"I heard what the two of you were talking about and I don't have to sign any papers because it is a sham after all so fill me in guys, what did Faith Springs do to even have the privilege of two finest men from the law in her life? That should have even triggered my brain to be suspicious but whatever." I said passing by him to sit on his chair and I saw my picture on his laptop and it even has a biography.
"Faith Springs the murderer of Mr. Nathan Christian Rocks." I read and I scroll at my other pictures. "Such a creep, I always suspected you to be some kinda a serial killer but thank God you didn't kill me physically." I said looking at them and Caleb looked down.
"So everything about you is a lie and please tell me you're indeed a man because I don't know what to believe anymore." I plead looking at them and I sigh. "You lied to me and my family that he was not your dad and what were you thinking when we believed you that it could be just coincidence? Bunch of morons!" I snap and his eyes met mine but they were hard to read them.

"Your dad was the one paying for my school fees and not because I was his mistress as your mum accused me of but he did it out of good will. He just met me on the street and he said I look like an angel and that was it, he rather became an angel in my life." I said looking at his picture and I turned to look at them. "Are you sure your mum didn't lie to you about your father like she lied to you about me?" I asked and his cold eyes met mine again.
"Geez, chill I am just asking because you don't have his blood running through your veins because that would have been the first thing to remind you that he was a man of integrity and wouldn't stoop so low to sleep with me. I recommend you to have a DNA test." I said and I watch how his jaw tightens and relaxes and I knew I had hit a nerve.

"One more thing I cannot forgive is making me look stupid and just follow your script like an idiot and for messing with my family but I won't be ungrateful. Thank you for the exes you brought into me and my sister's life, look what she got for a husband but I am glad one of us found a better person." I said and then relaxed in the chair watching them.
"I am going to pay for letting the two of you into my life. For all the times you spat in my face that I was a murderer, a slut something should have prompt me but I thought that is how you grieve." I dryly chuckle and run a hand through my messy hair.
"I bet you never thought I would have the upper hand deciding your fate whether to kill you and end up in prison like you wanted because I have nothing to lose anymore or to send you to prison for breaking the law. But trust me I feel like doing the first part." I grit my teeth and it amazes me how he can remain unaffected and calm right now.

"Then tell me who the murderer is?" Nathan sternly said and I smirk at them.
"I thought you were in shock or something but thank God you can speak." I chuckle and then stop to glare. "Ain't you good at this? Put that brain of yours into action and you'll be amazed how fate will throw the person at your doorstep but don't waste your time and marry her." I spat and he was silent.
"I believe this is the moment I give up because you're too good hiding your reaction. I cursed the day I met you guys but the blame is on me, I thought I saw something good in you guys but I was wrong and I know that now." I said and stood up silently watching them.
"I won't send you to prison Nathan but don't take it like I want to ever see your faces again because that will trigger my killer instinct." I coldly whispered into his ear and then pulled away to look at Caleb. "This is my way of repaying your dad's debt but I wish he had a better son." I smirk as his eyes met mine and I know how to unlock his fear.

"You're not your father's son and never will you be because he was not a beast like you." I spat and I watched with pleasure how his eyes secretly beg me to stop.
"He is everything you'll never be and he must be disappointed and to have his blood running through your veins. It's true we never get what we deserve most of the time but..." I stop to look into his eyes for the last time.
"...but for all the good things he has done, he deserved at least a better son." I watched it all, the fear in his eyes and I knew we both have a whole lot of demons to entertain for the rest of our lives. I walked out finally free from the hell hole and happy that I called out his demons but I knew I called mine too.
The worst kind of demons you wish you're dead.


She called out my demons and her words were like a deadly poison in my blood and it's only a matter of time before it slowly kills me.
That night we made love, when I thought she was asleep and regretting for taking advantage of her and feeling pissed, I turned and she was just looking at me.
"I am glad we're going to get a divorce and so happy I never had a baby with you because I can bear to bring forth a baby and be just like his dad, a ruthless man who is a curse in a girl's story." She said and then fell asleep.
I startled when my phone rang and everything in me froze when I saw the name.
Officer White.
"Tell me officer." I answer and Caleb stares at me. "Come to the station right now, we've found the murderer of your father and she's in our custody." He explains and my heart skips a beat.

"What? She? She's in my house..." I stop and close my eyes.
"I beg your pardon?" Officer White asked and I hang up. I run to her room and it amazes me how she managed to leave my house like she was not even here in the first place.
"You still expect to see her here, she left Nat!" Caleb snaps guilt visible in his eyes and I picked my car keys.
"I don't want her to go to jail. She's in their custody and I will do anything to save her." I said running downstairs and Caleb followed me.
"Do you still doubt her?" He scoffs with disbelief and took the key from me and started the car immediately I sat down.

Caleb was silent throughout the drive to the station and I literally jumped from the car and luckily saw Officer White and I sigh.
"Follow me Mr. Rocks." He instructs and every step was scarier than the disappointment in her eyes and I heard a cry making my heart aches.
"Mr. Rocks, may I present to you the murderer of your father." Officer White said and I frown when I saw her.
"What is she doing here?" I asked and they didn't answer.
"What the hell are you doing here mother?" I asked and she sobs.

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