Chapter 13

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I remember years ago someone told me I should take caution when it comes to love I did...

With all the confusion running through my mind this was the song playing in my head.
At the moment, don't wait for me doesn't make sense and I wish it was a spelling B were I could go on and ask the meaning.
Don't wait for me on our wedding night? What is happening or maybe it's just a dream and I should probably wake up.
I hate where my mind is taking me to like the signs I was so stupid and naive to see.
Maybe he has a surprise for me and I honestly don't know if this is the honeymoon place or but where the heck am I and what the hell is happening? My husband left definitely pissed and I have no freaking idea what I did to piss him off.

He slammed the door like he's paying me back for all the times I did the same to him and what more does he has install for me but I must say this one hurts like hell.
"Is he coming back?" I asked myself and I just stood at the center of his mansion with nowhere to go. Should I go to Duncan and ask him to clarify when he said we're not meant to be or maybe he saw something in me that make me the not meant to be type but it was out of respect that he said we so that I won't feel bad.
I was startled when I saw a woman in her early fifties I think looking at me and it seems she has been trying to get my attention but my mind was far away. "Sorry for startling you. I am Joanna the housekeeper." She introduces herself and I absently nod.
"And I am Faith." I said as I didn't know which surname to use but right now I prefer Springs.

"Are you alright?" She kindly asked and I was brought back to reality.
"Yes please." I said forcing a smile and she smiles. "Allow me to show you your room." She stated and I follow her upstairs.
She opened one of the rooms for me and it was enthralling and empty making me turn to the old woman and I knew I was going to look stupid with what I am going to ask.
"Can I ask you a question, where are my husband's clothes?" I awkwardly ask and I gulp forcing a smile when her warm eyes met mine.
"I'm sorry but Mr. Rocks is the only one who has access to his room unless I have to clean it." She stated and I thought my face would break with that stupid fake smile plastered on my face or I would break down in front of her and ask her to take me back to my mummy.

"Do you need me to arrange your things or get you something to eat?" She asked and I shook my head. "Thank you but I can manage and please I need to rest now so can you inform me when my husband gets back." I shyly smile and she nods.
I squat beside my luggage and open it trying to find something comfortable to wear but looking through my things brought tears in my eyes.
"Stupid lingerie, stupid honeymoon, stupid nothing appropriate to wear, stupid wife and stupid Nathan for making me cry on my wedding day." I spat throwing the clothes on the floor and I sat on the floor watching the mess I have done and started crying.
I gathered myself to stand up and clean up the mess I have done and went to shower.
Droopy eyes, exhausted body and brain and aching heart, I dragged my feet with a big white towel around me and I fall flat on the bed groaning.

"I might explode if I don't close my eyes now. Please Lord help me to sleep." I plead.
It felt like a dream that someone was knocking on the door and I jolt and sat on the bed looking around to get familiar with my surroundings. I drag myself to the door and slowly open hoping it was Nathan but Joanna smiles at me.
"Dinner is ready." She announces and I gave her a small smile.
"Thank you and I will be there in a minute." I said and she nods before going downstairs.
I put on a grey sweatshirt and shorts and went downstairs to the dining hall hoping he was waiting for me but there was no sign of him and I sat down. I wasn't going to starve although I won't enjoy it but I know better than to starve.
A hungry stomach is a very angry Faith. I was done eating and washed the plate.
It was getting late and Joanna was concerned leaving me alone but I told her Nathan will be here soon and she knows I am lying but she politely smiles and went with the driver.

I twirl around in the big hall and thinking Nathan won't be cruel to leave me all alone although he did but this is night time.
I look through the window and I saw the security men giving me peace knowing I am not alone.
The door opens making me jolt and I groan when it was morning already and I slept on the couch wait for him but he didn't come home. Joanna eyes held pity when she saw me and I forced a smile before running upstairs to my room and I stare at the mirror with glassy eyes and my body aches and the most embarrassing thing is I drooled.
It has been a week and I gave up hope the first day and slept in my room.
I have been calling and texting him but he is avoiding me and what hurt most is that when my family called they thought I was happy and I had to play along but I am dying here.

I just wish they could detect something in my voice and come and rescue me.
I have been waking up with puffy and red eyes and I know Joanna knows something is wrong and I am done hiding it.
All I wanted was to go back to work but I can't cry in public, I have to be strong and okay first. At least I found a place to get fresh air, the summer hut beside the pool to calm myself but I end up thinking. Was I wrong to forgive him? And I know it was wrong to forgive Nathan Rocks.
I don't even know the right thing anymore but right now I am convinced forgiven him is the worst mistake I made and I am already paying for it.
Six months is all I am giving this awful marriage and then I will sign out of marriage and anything relating to love forever and just be the rich auntie for my nieces and nephews.

I turn around and I hold my breath, he's here. "Stupid." My mind scoffs. "Nathan." I murmur my face breaking into a smile and to hell with all the lessons I have been giving to myself the entire week he left me and run towards him only to pull away because of the liquor.
"You're drunk." I said with disappointment and he stares with cold dark eyes.

"You're the cause of all this. I hate you!" He snaps and I froze.

Three months later...

Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and it's faith, hope and patience never fail.  1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

"Love is eternal." I read the verse 8 and I scoff before I could control myself and my tears fell on it. "Ours was never love and I had no idea what is it anymore. I used to have the traits of being patient and kind and it's hard not to keep records of his wrongs. I gave up long time ago and faith, hope and patience are not part of me anymore." I bitterly spat my grip hard on the Bible.
I still remember him telling me he hates me and this is all my fault clearly and it even keeps me up at night, having nightmares with how his cold eyes stare into mine.
I wanted it to be a surprise that my marriage didn't work out and maybe drink champagne and share my experience after I am officially divorced but Violet was the first to find out when I went to the office and now my family knows and his friend too.

I have tried to work things out, find out why he suddenly hates me and maybe just maybe find a solution but he was and is never around and I think he came to tell me he hates me and then disappeared leaving me in my shock state.
I removed the ring and left the house and I am currently at my parents' house and wishing I signed those papers with faded pencil if that is even a thing. I know the look and even the air gossips, I am the daughter who brings shame and I will never be the daughter they will be proud to brag to their friends and I know that's not what they are thinking but it is true.

It was a family gathering and I smile at Cheryl and Tyler as they seem so much in love and I wonder if someone ever stares at Nathan and I and was like damn, true love does exist.
Cheryl playfully bumps into me and I smile and gawk when I saw her diamond ring.
"Oh my God Cher..." I gasp making the rest of the family turn to me.
"We're getting married!" She excitedly screams and their faces break from the shock to happiness.
I hope I am not the odd one out right now who is excited for her sister and want nothing but the best for her but she is reminded of her mistake.

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