Chapter 9

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Maybe this is what I needed, to drive home and see their faces again. I have been trapped in my own world and I guess my folks were right when they said one day we'll all go our separate ways to find our home and they will be left all alone like how they started and the lesson was choose carefully who you wanna spend the rest of your life with and honestly I thought it was Nathan but I don't know now.
Maybe I am not meant for relationship but why do I allow myself to even be in one? I glance at the medicine I bought and I tried not to think anything pessimistic.
I know they're alright and maybe it's just dad's dramatic ways of telling me to come home.

The wind brushes my face and inhaling the air just filled me with thousands of memories, the good kind of memories I am jealous of.
Just being young and free was the worst age to be at that time and I remember wishing I was older, getting my own place and car and then get married and have kids, you know almost every child's dreams.
I didn't allow myself to think about the pain because I thought what could possibly hurt a person that deep that life won't be worth living and I guess my parents wanted us to have that innocent mind that the world is beautiful and kind and painless and when they said you'll understand when you get older was said for a purpose.

"Lord this is so hard, I don't wanna be your toughest warrior." I said out loud and my stomach growls. How do people make up their minds not to eat for a very long time and they are okay? I nearly joined my ancestors for attempting not to eat because I was broken hearted.
Like my stomach would be saying starve your heart and not me idiot. I got a whole lot of mouths to feed. I open the door and I was attacked by my crazy sisters and it felt nice to be home.
"I can't breathe you psychos!" I groan and they pull away laughing.
"My baby is here." Mum cheerfully said hugging me and I smile.
"I miss you all and by the way where is dad?" I asked looking around and hands covered my eyes and the rest giggle.

"My old man." I chuckle as I turn to hug him. "You don't come here anymore." Dad pouts and I stare with disbelief and the rest already know he's exaggerating.
"Why will she come if all you do is breathe marriage on her?" Cheryl stated earning a glare from the folks.  "What are you doing here Cher and dad I can see you're perfectly well." I said and Cher rolls her eyes. "And Shirley you should be in school." I said and she huffs.
"Don't start lecturing mum, I am not in boarding school." She retorts and I narrow my eyes at her. "Am I missing something here?" I asked and they simply ignore me and made their way to the dining room.
"Is there a celebration I don't know of?" I questioned as we sat down.
"C'mon let's eat and besides Faith, be grateful I am here." Cheryl arrogantly said making me huff. "Something smells nice here and I'm starving." I said stretching to get a view of the kitchen and Cheryl dramatically shook her head.

Dad said a word of grace and it's always a sin to be in the circle of my crazy sisters.
"Amen." We chorused. It was plantain and vegetable stew and mum watch with happiness as I attacked my food.
"It's delicious mum." I compliment and Cheryl and Shirley giggle. "I'd a helping hand." Mum answers and I close my eyes enjoying the taste. "I bet it's not Cheryl and definitely not Shirley." I tease and they scoff.
"Faith, can you raise your head and look at the person." Shirley sternly said and I swallowed hard when I saw him in front of me wearing apron and my eyes were blurry as I felt the pain in my throat getting worse and I started coughing.

"W-water." I mumble when the food went to the wrong pipe and Nathan was right by my side offering me a glass of water and I'd see the dreamy look in their eyes and I gulp the water at a go.
"What are you doing here Nathan?" I grit my teeth and then clear my throat as they were still watching. "Come with me Nathan and please excuse us for a second." I told them and they nod.
I drag Nathan outside and glancing at the window I saw them and turn to Nathan and he was staring. "What is the meaning of this Nathan?" I asked folding my arms and his respond caught me off guard.
"I miss you Faith."
I clear my throat and glare at him. "Why are you involving my family in this? We are over right?" I spat and he looked away.
"No, not when I still have the chance of saving us. I love you baby and please forgive me." He pleads and I shook my head.

"I gave you the chance and look what you did. Just imagine you in my shoes, would you take yourself back?" I asked and he looked down.
"To tell you the truth I don't know how to forgive you and take you back. What if this is a sign that this should have never happened?" I asked and he stubbornly shook his head.
"Do you still love me Faith?" He asked daring me to look into his eyes and I knew there's no point lying. "Yes but..."
"Just gimme one more chance and I swear I'm going to make it worth it." He explains and I gasp as he got on his knee and I stare with glassy eyes.
"W-what are you doing Nathan?" I mumble and he nervously smiles.
"Faith Springs, will you marry me?" He asked and I look around to see my family already out and ready to scream for the whole world to hear.

"Am I making the right choice Nathan because I really want to be your wife but..." I stop to look into his eyes and it cleared all my doubts.
"Yes!" I answer and his face breaks into a smile as he puts the ring on my finger and the family joined us. Nathan kissed my forehead making me smile. "Chill old man this is 21st century and it doesn't kill. It's just a 'holy kiss.'" Cheryl air quoted with an attitude of I - don't- give- a-damn and dad glares at her making us laugh.
"This calls for a celebration!" Mum chirped in with pure joy and the rest followed her inside. Nathan pulls me back and kisses me on the lips.
"I miss you baby." He murmurs against my lips and I smile.
"I miss you too." I said and he interlocked our hands together as we join them.

I excuse myself to the washroom and I stare at my hand in the mirror and run my finger on the diamond ring and smile.
"I hope I am ready." I said and groan as I didn't know what I am feeling anymore. I remove it and stare at the ring.
"It's removable and you still got time to remove it at anytime." A voice spoke in my head and I sigh. I called Violet and she seems happy for me and after ending the call I joined them.
We made it to my apartment and I was exhausted. It started as a passionate kiss of goodbye for now, the one to keep you through the night until we meet again but he started unbuttoning my blouse and his kisses were demanding.
"I can't do this Nathan." I murmur but he didn't stop.

"Nathan I said stop it!" I snap and he pulls away and his eyes soften which gradually turn blank, cold and distance.
"You can't what Faith! Don't tell me you haven't done it before and besides we are engaged!" He roars and I flinched at his outburst.
"So this is what you had in mind when you put the ring on my finger, a kind of ownership to do whatever you want!" I snap back and there was a moment of silence.
"Then the ring is in the wrong hand. God knows I have been patient and more understanding with you and your walls but no more Nathan. It is a good thing I can easily remove the ring." I said shaking from anger and I bitterly stare at the ring and remove it and he stares, his eyes void of emotions.

"You can take your ring and to hell with your life out of my life. I am sorry your parents didn't work out but..." I stop as his jaw clenched. "But I am not the girl to fix your broken soul. All I ever wanted was for us to keep trying but that's not you. In case you're lost in that world of yours, the best thing you need now is to be alone. There's no room for me." I said giving him his ring and I quickly wipe my tears and went downstairs.
I put myself together when I heard him coming. It was hard holding up the tears and I clenched my teeth and raised my head high when our eyes met.

"We got a lot to figure out on our own and we can't do it together. Goodbye Nathan." I said opening the door for him and it took everything in me to open the door wide and watch him step out of my life for good.

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