Chapter 12

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Things were going as planned; make her fall for me, marry her and make her confess her sin and send her to prison and that will be all.
But for me to fall for her was not part of the list and her to be so damn stubborn was something I never expected.
She's very stubborn as a mule and no doubt as I had my share with that. Like the time she slammed the door twice in my face and the first time was showing up without her asking me to and the second time was at that ungodly hour confessing that I like her. Like darn it girl I just told you I like you and this should be romantic and make you melt for me.

She didn't even wanna date me when all the signs were there that she loves me and I had to give it to her, it takes courage to kill a person and even much more to live with the guilt and she has done an excellent job.
There is this attractive side that always makes me wanna throw all my plans away and love her for real, you know the kind that has no hidden agenda and most times I was pulled to her whirlpool discovering things that are different from what I have learnt and I got sidetrack more than I could count and those days have been the best days of my life.
One more thing that pulls me to her and I wished we met at a different circumstance is that she knows I am capable of fulfilling her needs and I know about her financial status and how she's struggling as it has been my idea and all I wanted was for her to come and demand like the gold digger she is or even take advantage of me as I think now I wouldn't mind giving it to her.
Fuck I am a sucker.

But for some reason she is not the girl I was told went after a married man twice her age and killed him when she realized her source of living was going to end.
Somehow that slut has given her life to Christ and she's a changed person.
I never expected it to go too far and I realized I acted on impulse. I should have let the police investigate and arrest her and the reason I came was to make her confess but I have been the one confessing. It was never in my plan to stay in this small town for a year and some months and feel like a failure and all that I acquired was that side of her that makes me doubt the evidence.
Caleb was right I am not the man to avenge especially when it is about a woman and that night when I intentionally kissed that girl Lara or Laura at the party I was convincing myself that my head is still in the game and that I am not falling for her.

I even went to her parents' house and helped them cook for her and then got on my knee as Caleb said I would do.
Never did I expect her to turn me down that night and how she stood up for herself and removes the ring like it was the easiest thing to do and left me in her room.
"What games are you playing now Faith? For goodness sake follow the script! Wtf just happened?" These were the thoughts running through my mind as I was left alone and didn't have a clue why she will turn me down.
I couldn't utter a word when she was bold to open the door wide for me to get the hell out of her life even though she was breaking from the inside and wanted me to stay.

I couldn't turn back because I was pissed at myself and her for always treating me like she got options which I know I had made sure there's none but me to look up to at the end of the day but Faith fucking Springs chose to be by herself than to be with me. "I am done and this time for good. I can't bruise my ego anymore and to hell with all her acting. I will let the police handle it." I told myself as I packed my things and threw the ring away.
I came to the city and Caleb came to visit as I was still in bed.
"Should we toast for being the first man not to fall?" He mocked me making me glare at him.
"It's not over." I spat as I lay on the bed and he muttered something beneath his breath I couldn't understand.
"Would you just stop and accept defeat, she won without even knowing she's at war!" He snaps making me cringed and I sat up to stare daggers.

"Is that a challenge?" I retort and he gawks. "Nathan! For once stop and listen." He angrily spat and that took the both of us by surprise.
"I know you know she's not guilty although the evidence points at her but have you seen her? I haven't been closed to her like you have for a year and some months and something should change when you first hear her speak. She's loving and kind and doesn't deserve this." He passionately said and I just looked at him.
"Are you in love with her?" I blurted out and he scoffs. "All I know is that she's kind and if she's guilty don't let her suffer just make her spend the rest of her life in prison or maybe you just can't look into her eyes and send her to prison?" He asked and I frown.

"You didn't answer my question." I retort and he shrugs and damn it I wanted to punch his face. "There's nothing to answer. She's a very nice and kind woman who doesn't need snakes like us in her life. All that we're doing is to poison her soul and one day we'll taste the venom we created in her and I just don't wanna see that day." He calmly said.
"All she needs now from you is to allow her in and make her feel important and if you can't do that then let her go and send her to prison if she's indeed guilty." He said and I smile.
"Damn you bro you're a genius!" I exclaim and he frowns.
"I am?" He asked and I nod. "I don't like the sound of being genius if you smirk like that." He said and I roll my eyes.
"I am going to do all that she wants from me and let her marry me. I started this war and I am going to finish it." I smirk and he groans.

It has been a week and damn it I miss her and I was actually nervous when I called her and I was surprised she agreed to meet me.
I told her the truth she wanted to hear and I totally lost it accusing her but she didn't mind, she thought I was grieving and she understood.
She brings the best and worst in me and God knows I have been the best I could and what I really deserve is for her to accept my proposal and she did.
Even Violet who caught me making out with that girl has been saying nice things about me. I knew what Caleb was trying to do when he asked that question, he wanted me to find out the truth from them and that night before the wedding he asked me to send a message to her as girls' love that and he was the one who sent it.
I couldn't sleep but Caleb was and I went out. I have done something terrible and I will only tell Caleb after signing the papers.

I was there early and even saw her father but I got the advantage of seeing them. Her father was pissed from where I was standing and I saw her talking to her father and I saw Caleb talking to them and I just stare at the bracelet I bought for her.
I didn't know what to do and I knew it was time but I decided to take a ride not having a place in mind but just to get these unwanted thoughts from my head. I lost track of time and when I arrived she was about to call it off and I had to give those sentimental speeches and I won their hearts even her dad who I thought wanted to kill me for making her little girl cry even soften except for Caleb who just stare at me that he can't wait to bury my head in a mortar.

We were done and the thoughts came back and this time harsher than before.
"What are you then? You just fell for the slut who killed your dad and for goodness sake you married your dad's mistress." I tried to get rid of it but it was no use and the best thing to do was keep quiet. I saw Faith looking at me and she eventually fell asleep. I took her to one of my mansions and when she asked me where I was going I just lost it.
I stare at her and all that I was feeling was disgust. She killed my dad and I can't even bring myself to send her to prison because I am currently under her spell.

The best thing to do was to leave her in the house all alone and on our wedding night.
Maybe this is the punishment I was capable of giving to her.

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