Chapter 8

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I stare at them just to buy them time and to tell myself that I'm not overreacting. How could the people be so blink not to see that someone is being cheated on and that someone is me?
I knew I just bought them some time for Nathan to even pull away and for once realized he has a girlfriend but I was slowly dying looking at them.  I walked towards them, even though I knew I'm going to leave here as his ex but I can't let them have fun in my presence.

"Faith! Wait up." Violet screams my name and I was focus on Nathan and his sexy goddess and I saw him tense and I fake a smile when I turn to Violet and she was glaring at them and the girl just walked away with no remorse.
"Tell me we just saw him cheating on me." I tried to act funny but my eyes sting with fresh tears and her eyes held concern and anger at the same time. "Baby..."
"Don't lemme hear a single word from your mouth or you will never look at me the same way ever again." Violet dangerously warns with a cold tone as she pulls me to herself and I stare with admiration. "You know what Nathan, my friend here is not the problem you guys are and it's a shame because you're going to regret it." She spat and I forced a smile when she glanced at me. "Faith wait here for me and I'll get my bag. I know you can handle yourself but be free to call the security for assistance." She told me and I nod.

I turn to find him looking at me with sadness. "Don't look at me like that, I wasn't the one cheating. Don't act the victim here." I scoff and smirk when he loosen his tie.
"How are you feeling after being caught huh?" I stare with glassy eyes and narrow my eyes at him when he came close.
"Baby let's..."
"No, it should be ex baby and I swear I will forgive you right now if you can tell me something I don't know as your reason. Come with something unique." I spat folding my arms and look around to see if Violet was coming.
"I didn't kiss her, she did." He defends and I slowly turn to him.
"That is so lame Nathan. Ain't you a lawyer? And this is how you defend your client in court and I have heard your reason before in movies." I grit my teeth and I pull back when he tries to reach out to me.

"There are voices telling me how stupid I am but please don't let me admit it to myself. I spent time watching the two of you and I even came with billion ways of killing you on the spot and make it looks like an accident and trust me I can easily get away with it." I spat and his eyes darken.
"Oh so now you're getting offended." I scoff and I look around to get a glimpse of Violet but she was nowhere to be seen.
"Let's end this in a mature way and it's only fair that the one being cheated on starts by saying it's over Nathan." I stated with much pain making the tears fell and I saw a taxi parked and I walked pass him but he holds my hand firmly and I clenched my teeth to avoid the tears.
"Don't go baby, please forgive me and let's work it out. Let's get married if that's what you want..." I slap him hard on the face and I could feel my hand burning and he looks at me totally stunned.

"Are you professionally trained to hurt me with yours words or you just suck at it?" I spat and he continues to stare at me with disbelief.  "Get married if that is what you want." I mimic feeling my blood boiling within me. "What do you take me for? I don't know what I have been teaching you but I can boldly say you're a bad student. Guys like you right now make me wanna throw up, you disgust me!" I spat and he was silent.
"I should have slapped you earlier just to shake these words from your brain." I grit my teeth and got into the car and instructed the driver to go.

I was walking away from a love I thought will last forever. I turn back and he was there and I look away when I saw the driver glancing at me through the mirror.
"I always know couples break up at parties and functions like this so I've dedicated my life for it." He laughs and I raised my eyebrow in annoyance. "I will be wise next time to bring my car." I retort and that shut him up.
I run to my room and slumps on the bed and it felt so cold sending shivers down my spine as I sob. I stretched and slowly open my eyes and it was morning already. I fall back on the bed as I realized currently I'm jobless and broken hearted.

I heard the doorbell and I groan. I swear if it's Nathan I'd slap him one more time for doing this to me. I put on my morning robe and lazily went downstairs and open the door.
"Oh honey." Violet gasps and my eyes were blurry and I hug her.
"Faith I thought something happened to you and sorry for delaying." She said and I sniff.
"Vi, I am tired and please force me to eat something." I plead and she laughs before stopping to clear her throat.
"Geez Faith, I am here to share your sadness and please don't let me laugh." She sternly said but her eyes glint with amusement.
"Twice they have treated me like crap. I wish I was strong like you Vi." I said and she shook her head.
She closed the door behind her and went to the kitchen removing vegetables from the fridge.

"You're the strong one Faith, no matter what life throws at you, you come back stronger. I haven't being brave enough to move out of my shell my father made me created because I am still that scared little girl." She sadly said and I lean on the counter.
"You and your family just showed me that I can allow myself to love and there's nothing to be afraid of but just look at me..."She said staring at her hand on the counter and I reached for it.
"I just did Faith but I am afraid when it comes to him." Her voice was more like a whisper and I was about to comment and then stops as she hasn't realized she is talking about Liam.

"Through all my life I never stick long enough to like a guy but with him..."She sighs and I hold my breath as if not to make a sound and let her stop.
"But him..."She dreamily said and I just stare at her. "That Liam freaking White just has to come and stand at the door of my shell and there's this magnetic force I tell you Faith it contains many emotions all happening at once and I just want to break free and be vulnerable." She said and I just look at her waiting for her to continue but she just blinked as if the spell is broken and I growl.
"I am Wonder Woman but I don't have a magic rope just my magic hand on yours." I tease and she blushes.
"Vi, your secret is safe with me but you guys are cute together." I said and she scoffs.
We made pasta and add beef and she stayed for the night as we watched the hallmark movies she downloaded on her phone and ate ice cream just a good day to make me forget.


Two weeks have passed and it was impossible not to see him as it is a small town after all but I made sure he stays away.
It was hard watching him from afar and this is why the old folks say love is sometimes not enough. I love him but I just can't be with him.
I still don't know what I am doing wrong but I can't seem to see the light out of this darkness. But talking about a blessing Cher accidentally paid for Shirley's fees without having a clue that my life is currently like a desert.
I drove home and just as I entered my phone rang and it was my dad.
"Hello dad." I answer and the other line was silent. "Honey please can you buy me my medicine and bring it to me." He desperately said making my heart skips a beat.
"Is everything alright dad?" I nervously said.
"Be careful on the road and drive safe. I love you."He stated and the call ended.

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