Chapter 10- Chances

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I stopped trying to sleep and woke up early. I went to the kitchen and got some muffins I bought last night.

I brought it to the living room where I sat at the couch.

I can't stop thinking about her. I can still feel this sudden jolt in the tip of my fingers yesterday when I held her at her shoulders.

I could've kissed her. I should have kissed her.

I had a chance.

I buried my head with the throw pillows and mentally face palmed myself.

I can't do that. She might have slapped me. With a chair maybe.


I decided to go early at the studio today so I can practice the guitar chords of the new songs.

I was surprised to see someone in there. No one comes here before 8 am.

But there Victoria was, sleeping at the arm of the couch. I never saw her this close.

Her eyelashes are really long. Her cheeks with a slight blush of pale pink. Her lips are so red.

If I could just hold her the way Harry did at the rooftop. I would have done anything.

I kinda did evesdropped what their conversation had been at the rooftop and since then I felt I was kind of responsible of making her happy.

I wish I was the one who makes her happy. The one who made her smile that way.

She's so beautiful. And Harry couldn't even see that.

I smiled at her wishing she could smile back at me someday.

I removed my coat and put it above her. Its really cold here. She must be feeling very cold right now.

I took a chair and placed it in front of her. I sat down and watch her sleep.

I wish I can hold her. Tell her how beautiful she is and how much I want to protect her...

...and how much I can love her more than Harry could make her feel. If she just give me a chance.

I know no matter what I say now, her respond will just be the rise and fall of her chest. But being with her here alone. I couldn't even ask for more.

What am I even thinking...

This isn't a fight. Harry's my best friend. Iya is one of the investors. She's out of my league.

Why am I even competing with Harry? He always gets the attention and the girls. I'm just me, the annoying leprechaun. I sighed.

I tried to get rid of my thoughts.I reached for my guitar.

I started to strum it gently and hummed.


And then I sang the lyrics softly. Hoping that she can hear my words. The words I want to say to her.

'Loving can hurt.

Loving can hurt sometimes

But its the only thing that I know,

When it gets hard

You know it can get hard sometimes

it's the only thing that makes us feel alive...'

I gazed at her once more. Then I saw her smile in her sleep.

'We keep this love in a photograph,

We made this memories for ourselves,

Where are eyes are never closing,

Our hearts never broken,

And time is frozen, still.'

And I sang the chorus. Thinking that maybe Harry would say the same things to her. But atleast I know. I said it first. I loved her most.

'And you'll never be alone,

Wait for me to come home...'

My tears started to fall down my cheeks. I sang the last part of the chorus again for the second verse.

'And I'll never let you go,'

And instead of saying the right lyrics, I whispered against her ear.
"Just wait for me Iya. Wait for me"

A/N: Hii guys. Listen to Photograph by Ed Sheeran :)x Its the song Niall sang here.

I hope you comment and vote.

Love you all cupcakes x

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