Chapter 18- Away

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4:36 AM

Iya: "I'm not going there Boris."

Boris: "What? Madame, its a big day tomorrow. You can't miss that."

Iya: "Actually, I can."

Boris:"Are you drunk?"

Iya:"Yeah, from tears and memories I am. So much."

Boris:"I'm coming there, Iya. I'm booking a flight now. Fix yourself please. I'm worried as hell."

--End Of Call--


Iya called earlier, I think she just randomly pressed my caller ID. It was the start of the tour of the band and she's got a lot of appointments to do. I had carried out her schedule until now and it's a good thing that I did.

She's a mess I can tell it. And I'm worried as hell, its seven in the morning and I'm packing up. I'm leaving Germany at the afternoon because I'm worried what might happen to Iya while she's alone.

Different thoughts are making me crazy. She might have her panic attacks again or worse her episodes of psychosis. Its not that bad but when her memories triggers it everything just goes down she loses herself. And if I'm not there no one would know what to do.

"Leaving so soon?" Nica called out from the door infront of me.

"Yes, um. Paper works." I lifted my head to acknowledge her presence but I put it down again. I can't just look at her straightly now after all that has happened.

"How on earth did my poor sister's name became 'paper works'?" She said smuggly.

"Nica, its work trust me." I said back.

"Why is she too preoccupied with her psychological problems that she couldn't go to work?" She laughed.

"Nica if you have nothing good to say just please go. The front gate is open." I looked at her seriously.

"Is this all about her again huh?" She crossed her arms and walked beside my bed where I was fixing my luggage.

I shrugged and not left her question unanswered. That pissed her off I guess because she pushed my shoulders up so that I can face her. She put her hands on top of my shoulders and shaked me.

"Answer me Nicholas! Is it because of her that you're leaving me again? Is it because of her that you can't even look at me straightly? Do you love my sister?" She shouted at me

"No! Okay its not! Why can't you see the reason Veronica? The answer to your questions is in your hand. Why can't you see that?" I shouted out too in frustration.

"Wh-what?" She let go of my shoulders and took a step back still surprised that for the first time I raised my voice in her.

"Why can't you see it? You're getting married for godsake Nica! I came here to ask you if you want to be with me, If you want to marry me and now this, You're gonna shove this to my face?" I shouted at her lifting her hand with the finger that wore her engagement ring.

"Your sister let me go, even if she struggles to keep up with her ownself and now that's what you do, say all this bad things against her while you're the one pushing me away."

I breathed out and inhaled some more air. I closed my eyes shut and clenched my fist trying to keep all my anger inside.

"Nica please, just go. Leave me alone." I walked over to her and guided her outside. I shut the wooden door that seperated us. I leaned against it and I slipped until I reached the floor where I sat waiting for the time to consume me and the anger I'm feeling inside.


I landed in London by midnight. The flight had some technical problems that's why I came off a bit late. After all the processes I went through I rushed to reach Iya's penthouse in North London.

I knocked but there was no answer. Panic started to build up inside me again. I rushed downstairs and grabbed the house keys at the counter.

I unlocked the door and slammed it open I was looking for her everywhere and I found her beside her bed, between the the drawer and the bed.

There were a lot of liquor bottles around the floor and scattered broken glasses with a lot stains and drops of blood.

I went near her and shook her off her daze. She wasn't asleep or awake she seems to be right in the middle. She was staring off nowhere, her eyes were dark and blank.

"Have you drank your medicine?" I shook her again but there was no response.

"Iya have you drank your medicines?" She looked up and let of a slight smile which scared me so much.

I looked down at her arms and legs. There were dripping blood from the palm of her right hand, there were also small parts of the broken liquor bottles pierced through her bare foot.

"I took too much..." She laughed after her statement but her eyes are blank which made me feel uneasy. She doesn't know what she's doing.

"Look, I can't feel anything. The pain killers worked. I'm not hurt look at me..." Her eyes are still pale and blank. She held up her right hand, there were so much blood dripping from her hand but she curled it more into a fist pushing the glass piece further her skin.

"Stop it Iya!" I shouted at her but she just ignored my protest and she punched the drawer beside her. The drawer had a dent on its side like it was hit by a massive object but Iya didn't even wince at the result of her action.

"I'm numb again. I can't feel a thing. Nobody can hurt me now." She said her voice cracking with every single word. She's forcing a small smile within her lips but she keeps trembling.

I lifted her up and carried her. I drove to the nearest hospital and she got admitted because she had several cuts, bruises and minor injuries. The doctor also said that based on her medical history it seems that her depression is getting worse and if we couldn't prevent it now it will lead her to having permanent psychosis.

And I don't even know how to make it all better for her. She doesn't even know the possibility of Edward being alive, it could make her conditon better or worse. Nobody knows how she will react to these changes that are about to come.

If I can only make things better for her.

I looked by her room's door that has a small line that I can peek through because the rest were heavily tinted. Looking at her from here I felt powerless, I was here with her but I couldn't even do anything to help her.

A/N: Hii! I'd like to hear what you think about the story now?

I put there a picture of Alex Pettyfer he's Nicholas/Boris in this story. :)

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