Chapter 14- Hurt

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"W-what-" my voice trailed off as I felt my throat slowly getting tighter and tighter, seeing her being happy because she's getting married to another man just tears me down.

"I'm getting married Nico! I want you to be the first one to know." She's still keep hugging me and the pain is just too much to bear.

I felt like someone just stabbed me, repeatedly. I broke away from her arms and looked at her, why can't she see that I'm hurting and she's making it worse by making me see how happy she is.

"...but I'm not that selfish though, I didn't just make you fly all the way here just for me..." She was surprised that I pushed her away a little bit when I broke away from the hug. She looked down and fiddled with her fingers.

"I. Uh. Want to give you this." She smiled at me a bit and handed me a brown envelope. I opened the envelope and looked at her confusedly.

I took out a bunch of stapled short printed papers and as I started reading it, I realized its a police report.

"We think we found Edward..." She said while I was reading the report. The papers said that the person that they think is my brother is already leaving in London.

"This is what he looks like. The personal investigator I hired two years ago found him."

Veronica handed me a picture of a blonde boy with really blue eyes and a bright smile.

"Veronica he's blonde. He can't be my brother." I shrugged the idea that my brother's still alive.

I already accepted the fact that it was his end and that he left me too. I got over my grief for little Iya. I need to be strongherhat's. That's why I tried to get over my brother's death easily.

"He's brunette. He dyes his hair. And it wouldn't be hard to find him too. I heard he's kind of famous too.

"If this is true. It will be hard for Iya."

"Iya again? I appreciate your gratitude for I finally found your brother for you." Nica said with sarcasm and rolled her eyes. She tried walked out of the room so I grabbed her wrist.

"Nica. I'm just saying it will be hard. She's still haven't get through it. She's still..." I looked for a drop of sympathy inside her captivating green eyes but there was none.

"What? Still a psychopath?" She certainly still loathed Iya with all her heart. I gripped her wrist a little tighter sending a signal for her to stop speaking ill against Iya.

"And you honestly think that I had gotten over their death? For godsake Nicholas! My twin died, Steven was a big part of me, of my life. And she also took you away from me. And by that she already took my life. Why can't you see that?" Her tears fell and she looked at me in disgust.

She broke away from my hold and walked away.

"I thought you're gonna be here for me. I guess I was wrong." She said before walking out the door.

This day was too much. My kness felt weak and wobbled. I grabbed the arm of the chair beside me for support I eventually sat down.

I breathed out deeply as I looked at the photograph in my hand.

My brother is alive somewhere.

I can't believe and all I could think was Iya is in the same place where Edward is. Maybe moving to London isn't a good idea.

I looked at the boy's ocean blue eyes. They're defiantly my brother's, they look like how my mother's eyes looked before when she was still alive.

And something clicked in my brain. I felt like I've already seen this boy before maybe in London. But I can't never be so sure, I wouldn't tell this to Iya. Maybe not before I'm certain that this is really Edward...

A/N: Gosh. Who do you think is that? I sound stupid never mind. :p

Btw, Nicholas is played by Alex Pettyfer and Veronica is Lily Collins.

Next chapters will get better promise! Sorry really. I'm so tired.

I dedicate this chapter to TheGrayViolinist bc I will miss her so much and she's one of those people who pushed me to write this one heck of a story. Be safe if you come back to China all the love xx

P.S. I'm an asian so writing a lot of words to describe the characters feelings are quite hard. No, change that, its freaking hard and I'm terrible at writing sometimes I'm so sad fml.

Comment and Vote I'm still picking people. HAHAHA.

Thank for 1.12K reads you don't know how much this means to me. I love you. You're special remember that xx message me if you want :)

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